Quilted Twins

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Made in Poland: hand blown and hand decorated Christmas ornaments

The Christmas season here in Poland is a bit different than in the USA. It doesn't start quite as early as the US, but goes until at least Jan. 6, when there is a holiday called "Three Kings' Day". Many people leave their decorations up well into January. Last year I think our town left them up until at least the 15th of January. I'll be sure to notice this year when they take them down and let you know here.

But, we are privileged to have gorgeous hand blown and painted glass Christmas ornaments made here in Poland. There are many talented artisans who make these--in fact, there is one such small manufacturing plant here in our town.  So, before the new year hits and with it all the hustle and bustle, I wanted to give a nod to some of the beautiful ornaments I saw this year - both in a mall and locally in our town.