Quilted Twins

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"Zig Zag"

Number 37 was made as a nod to the popularity of chevrons at this point in time.

Like usual, in my life, it seems, by the time I get around to making this design, it appears that their popularity is waning.  (It always seemed I got whatever was really popular just after it wasn't so popular anymore.)  

Note: Because chevrons were so popular when I was a young person, I didn't understand the mad popularity of them a couple of years ago nor did I feel a strong need to make a quilt with them - not really thinking they should be called modern at all, but rather, more like "retro".  (I'm 54 and I remember at least 30 years ago that it was a popular design back then. In fact, my mom made each of us kids an afghan out of double crochet with a chevron stripe.)

But, I needed to use some of my 2" strips once again, so I made some log cabin blocks and simply put them in this arrangement.  I do like it, though - it is quite simple, in fact. I like the strong statement it makes, and hopefully, instead of looking dated, it will look timeless.

I quilted it with feathers. I'm exposing myself as I post pictures because I know that I've still got a ways to go on them.  However, I'm also the kind of person that really likes to finish up quilts - figuring the person who doesn't quilt really doesn't pay that much attention to the actual quilting. I'm aware we are our own worst critics.

So here are some close ups. I put feathers in the white zigzag part, stippled the colorful zigzags and straight line quilted the border.

Like somteimes happens, I struggled a bit with the wind while taking these pictures.

My pieced backing.  While nothing particularly special, I just wanted to show that I often do use pieced backings. These were curtains and a piece of a duvet cover.

I certainly will keep working on those feathers. I do like the end result! 

The pattern is in the free patterns section.

While you are here, be sure to check out the special goodies my sister has for you over in the shopping section!

See this gallery in the original post