Quilted Twins

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Cultural: Autumn in Poland

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Many of you know we went to the states for almost a month - Sept 8-Oct 3, to be exact.  

It was hot everywhere we went.  I was quite surprised, actually!  When we flew out early that Friday morning here in Poland, the temps had dropped to about 57F.

When we landed in Denver, it was about 90F! Well, not when we landed, but on Sept. 9. It was crazy hot!  We had looked at the weather, but it is one thing to read about it, and quite another to feel it.  I was expecting a little more "fall-ish" feeling weather in Denver - not mid-summer weather.  

Our weather here in Poland is more like the northern part of the USA-- Chicago-ish - not northern MN! Usually it is pretty nice for the first week of September and then the temperatures typically drop abruptly and it can turn gray and dreary. Apparently this is what it did this year. We weren't here and I didn't follow it closely.

Our leaves are dropping now - and we are using our fireplace for heat.  I am determined not to complain about being too cold - for a long, long time!  When we left Denver, we flew to the Phoenix, AZ area where it was up to 106F and then I few to FL where it was 86-89F and high humidity! I was never so glad to get back to COOL weather.

Our leaves are starting to fall. Pine needles are falling at a very fast pace and it's been rainy and cool here lately.  I'm thrilled!  At least this weather helps me want to quilt! 

My husband has built a fire almost every day since we've been back (we have a wood burning stove).  One big fire a day has kept the house sufficiently warm.

In another month or so, the ground will look like in this picture of this quilt

I do like the falling leaves. While we don't have as many of the red oaks or trees with red leaves like they have in the Carolinas, our trees are beautiful around here in the fall.  The leaves are goldens and browns, and a few reds.  We're heaidng into this part of the year now.

Just when it gets the prettiest, my husband will take the lawnmower and mow up our leaves!  He tells me he needs to for the sake of the grass underneath! Oh well.  I suppose he's right. Our grass needs all the help it can get.

Soi, if you are enduring 80F+ weather (those of you in the Northern Hemisphere) and here it is coming up to mid - October, I don't envy you!  I'm thrilled that we have cool weather now!

Our forecast for the next week.  I'm absolutely NOT complaining!  Look at those upper 60's days coming up.  This is one way I've changed since coming to Poland. I used to heartily dislike these days.

By mid-late November, it should be getting colder and getting closer and closer to freezing temps by day and by night.  We have gotten snow as early as October 15, but there is no sign that we will get any that early this year. And that's fine too!  

And now you know!  

Happy quilting!