Quilted Twins

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Using the Sizzix Big Shot Pro

As you all know, if you've been reading me for very long at all, you realize that I seem to get scraps faster than I can use them up. Literally.  This is the situation I am in right now.  My goal has been this year to cut up 15 min a day until I am completely caught up.  Alas. I didn't do any cutting in January - though I did finish up 13 queen size quilts (I quilted them - but the tops of 10 of them were made in '16).

I didn't tackle scraps. Not. One. Minute.


A little bit of distance might help you see all the scraps better:

I decided yesterday to begin to tackle them. They weren't going to disappear unless I just tossed them - or gave them away, and actually, I need some more 2" strips as my supply is a very picked over.

I began yesterday afternoon by bringing my Sizzix out to the dining room table which is very sturdy and there is more room to work. I know. I had planned on using it in the fabric storage room-- but honestly, there isn't that much room on the table in there. This thing is BIG and needs a sturdy table and lots of space around it.

Here it is:

This is what I wanted to tackle this morning right after breakfast - even before I came to the computer.

First get out the die. It's pretty heavy all by itself.  This method really isn't for the weak. It is heavy.

Then, place the fabric on top of the die - covering the blades or sharp edges as much as possible. Neatly.

Then place the plexiglass cover on top and slide it through the Big Shot, turning the handle.

Take off the plexiglass cover and the strips just might lift right off.

Throw the strips into the basket I just started yesterday and repeat  

I am pleased with how fast I can cut up the bigger pieces of fabric. 

I did it again with several smaller pieces of fabric.

Place the fabric strips over the edges of the die blades?  (not sure what to call the sharp parts)

Send it through the machine.  

And here you go ........strips!

There were some pieces that were too small to try to fit back on the 2" die. I didn't feel like getting out the 1.5" die I have - as these were a little small and would be too fussy - so I went back to the old fashioned way (well....not REAL old fashioned - that would be scissors and templates) and cut up the little leftover skinny stuff into mostly 1.5" strips - occasionally I could still get another 2" strip.  

I was trying to watch the Skiing competition in Kazahkstan going on right then.

Results from yesterday and today's cutting so far.

There are a few misc. pieces of paper in that kindling box as well.  But, part of my problem with cutting up scraps of fabric is the sorting - each piece requires a decision -



then where? 

throw in crumbs/strings,

cut up into 2" strips, 1.5" strips or something else



Put in kindling.

I don't make pet beds anymore since I found out the rescue place doesn't wash them - they just throw them out when they get dirty.  It's too much work and effort and cost for me to be interested in making disposable pet beds.

And there you go!  I was able to get a lot done in a couple of hours!  Another day I'll use the 2.5" die I have - but for now I need to replenish my 2" strips.