Quilted Twins

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June strips report

I cut up scraps into strips almost daily in the month of June. I tried for a minimum of 15 minutes a day. Sometimes I wasn't watching the clock, however, and ended up cutting more like 30 minutes - but then I didn't do it Every. Single. Day.

As I've been cutting my scraps into strips - I cut them into 1 1/2", 2", and 2 1/2" strips. I also have a basket for crumbs/strings from which I'm pulling for my blocks I'm making on the weekends in my Strings/Crumbs projects.  

I made a short video for you to see. My sis and I are playing around with using more video. It's a "whole new world" for us and not what we are naturally inclined to do. But here it is.

I decided this is the best way for me to deal with my scraps. I found bigger blocks just sat there unused. 

As I work, if I have need of other sizes, I can either cut them from these strips, if possible, or if I need bigger, I can scour my uncut up scraps or even cut up stash fabric (for example, if I need 4 1/2" squares for a scrappy quilt).

Here are the totals for the scraps and leftover backing pieces that I cut up:

1 1/2" strips cut up in June 2.69 lbs.

1 1/2" -  1222 grams or 2.69 lbs.

2" -  4392 grams or 9.68 lbs.

2 1/2"  - 4770 grams or 10.52 lbs.

2" strips cut up in June

2 1/2" strips cut up in June

Here's my chart for the year 2017. 

You can see the totals for the year at the bottom as I have highlighted them in yellow.

I'm really "current" on current scraps -but need to dig down deep and find some more hidden scraps that were put in various crooks and crannies - and get them cut them up.

I find that I use them when they are nicely cut into strips/strings and sorted into crumbs. Ideally, they could be further sorted, but for me, at this point in my life, I'll go with what works for me - and I can live with this much (or little) sorting. 

And there you have it!  

Have a great day wherever this may find you reading!

Be sure to check out the goodies that my sis has for you!

See this content in the original post