Quilted Twins

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Cultural: Coca Cola and popular Polish vacation spots

Mike and I were in Lidl the other day and we saw these:

Without reading the whole "deal", I asked Mike to get us the Florida one and the one that said "Hel" on it. These are famous vacation places. I suspect we can win a vacation to one of these places.

I'm sure you are wondering what in the world "Hel" is. I'm pretty sure most of you reading this already know what "Florida" is.

 I mean, it sounds like a four letter word!  It's not a joke, I guarantee it.  

The town of Hel is a tourist resort (? probably too luxurious of a word) located on the Baltic Sea - in the very far northern tip of Poland. Here's a picture of a map. It's at the end of a small peninsula.

Look for the red marker.

It's a favorite tourist spot for Polish people.  And it doesn't mean the same thing at all as what you thought when you read it first.  That word in Polish is "pieklo".  

(I still think it would be an interesting place to be a missionary. I mean, how many can say, "I live in 'Hel' and we're missionaries here."?)

Here's a link to an article talking more about it.  If you are super interested, feel free to check it out!

And now you know one more tiny fact about Poland than most other people know!

Feel free to look around the site at all the goodies that my sister has for you!

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