Quilted Twins

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Advice for the new sewing machine owner

I have a bit of advice for the new sewing machine owner.  

No, I'm not going to tell you which machine to buy! That's as individual as finding as a spouse!

But, once you have purchased it - do these things!

1. Save the box and all packing materials.  

"But I'm a minimalist - I don't believe in saving all that trash!"

Doesn't matter. Find a place to save it.  Put it where you don't' need to see it but you can find if you need it. Tell your minimalist self to "just live with it."


If you ever need to take it back to the stop/ship it, you will wish you had it. It keeps your machine secure and safe in transit.  You NEED that specially shaped Styrofoam that it came in. No other Styrofoam fits quite like it.  

Just do it.

2. Save the warranty and receipt in a safe place!

I have mine stapled to the inside of the instruction book.  

File that warranty and receipt in a safe place and DON'T forget where you put it. If you put all your receipts in one place, it might be wise to scan or take a photo of your receipt and warranty card and put it in it PLUS your instruction book.


"it's brand new," you say. "I am not hard on things. I won't need it."

Maybe you will. Maybe you won't.  Who is to know whether your machine is a "lemon" until after you use it for a while. It can happen to anyone with any brand.

Better safe than sorry.

3. Read that manual.  

Yes - you.  You experienced 'sewist' of more than 40 years - read it.


It won't hurt you and you may actually learn something you didn't know!

There.  My words of advice for people who just bought a new sewing machine!

Have a great day!

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