Quilted Twins

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"Strings on Display" or "Strings 1"

All finished.

This is my first ever strings quilt!  Here's a close up:

I described how I made this quilt top in my first few strings reports - as I worked on them on the weekends.  At this point I haven't made a pattern but you can make this easily if you read through my posts. I show diagrams, cutting, and various other tips. 


Introduction to what I was doing: 

First update - the top was baby quilt size

Second update - the top was lap quilt size

Next update - the top was twin size

Last update - Strings 1 top was finished and I introduced plans for Strings 2 and Strings 3

I quilted this one with a wavy line using my walking foot on my machine. I wasn't really thrilled with the job I did, but it's done. And I learned. And both are important to me.


I made a pieced backing using a piece of low volume print - and added in two strips of navy calico type florals that I had. These big quilts really use a lot of fabric on the backs!  I don't notice it so much on the front since I'm using little pieces!

Have a wonderful day, wherever this blog post finds you reading!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in her store!

See this content in the original post