Cultural: Small things - numbers
Random facts:
1. We buy eggs in cartons of 10, not 12 as in the USA.
2. Meat and cheese, pasta, fruits/veggies, and pre-packaged things are measured in grams and kilos, not ounces and pounds.
3. Drinks and fluids are measured in ml and liters - not ounces and quarts.
4. Sizes are different - you just have to learn them. Ladies and men's clothing are mostly sold in a numbered size - not S-M-L though they are also sold that way. When they are sold in SML - THEY have to translate them as to which is which since they do not translate correctly in Polish. For example, the word for "Small" in Polish would be "maly" - and the word for "Medium" in Polish would be "srednia". "Large" would be "duza".
5. Shoe sizes are numbers like 37-41 for ladies. Unless they are imported from the UK, in which case they have numbers from 5-8.
And now you know!
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