Quilted Twins

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"Braided Scraps"

Braided Scraps is number 62 in my series using up primarily 2" strips.

It is simply a braid that I made with my 2" strips - cut into 6.5" strips - mainly because that was the width of a ruler I had around me - as I wanted to just use the width of the ruler for measuring - lazy thing that I am!


Several of my Facebook friends had suggested making a braided quilt with scraps over a year ago, but I had been a little afraid to try. Then I read about it and it really didn't look hard.

I didn't really care for the "all squished together look" if I would have put the pieces all together without the sashing because my braided pieces are so mish-mashy-ish - pulled from the bags of strips in colors blue, green and purple.  If I had more carefully coordinated colors, then skipping the sashing in between the rows probably would have been nice as well. But for me, for this time, this is what I felt I needed to do to keep some control over the madness represented.

I had wanted a full 5 or 6 inch border from the light fabric around the outside to help it "float". Alas. I didn't have that much fabric left and had nothing that would look right with it, so I went with what I did here.

I separated the braids with a 1.5" cut piece of navy and then a 6.5" cut strip of fabric.  I am quite pleased with how it came out. I think the lime green in the quilt kind of 'sticks out' but what could I expect from lime? Sigh.

The pattern is here.  Feel free to use it if you like!

And this is one time where I feel strongly that the quilt is prettier than the pictures I got. I need my photographers!!! (son, Daniel, and hopefully, son, Tim, in the future)...but I think a lot of it is the artificial light added to the fact that we are having very gray days nowadays - it's not very bright inside the house with natural light.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you! I'm sure you can find some goodies that are super nice at great prices!


See this gallery in the original post