Quilted Twins

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"Diamonds in the Rough"

It's time to show you another finish in the upcycled blues series. This was number 15 in the series. At the time I thought I was coming to the end.


I'm on number 24 or so by now. The "problem" of course is that I found more shirts - this time most of them are light.  Because of that I've had to go back to the drawing board to come up with some patterns and colorations that will use a lot of light blue - and still look nice.

This is really just one block - and you can lay out these blocks in many different ways. This way was not the design I had in mind when I started. But because of the variation of patterns - and the design itself, I decided on this layout. It was much easier to see the design than what I originally had planned.

With the wind blowing and the light on the quilt, you can see the quilting texture here.

And the quilt roll.

I did some meandering in the light and a straight line - free hand on the darks.  It was fascinating. I do like the texture I got on it as a result of this.

Here are a couple more up close.  You can see that I mixed freely - darks and lights. It was an experiment, actually, putting a medium in the middle of the lights or the darks. 

Making the blocks for this was tedious.  Completely!  And not particularly fun as they were only 6" blocks and I needed a billion of them, it felt like.  However, when it came time to put the uninspiring blocks together, I was very pleasantly surprised and pleased! 

OK, not really surprised as I had the plan in front me with the Electric Quilt program...but I think you know what I mean. I was a bit amazed that something interesting could come from such blocks.

The backing?  Oh yes...I almost forgot to include it. Here it is. It is fascinating to see the texture - in spite of the wild variations of color on the fabrics.

I did up date the pattern. It is here in case you don't have it.

And now you know! 

I trust you are having a great day wherever you are reading this!

And don't forget to check out what my sis has for you over in the store!

See this gallery in the original post



See this content in the original post