Quilted Twins

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Charity Quilt Week 2 - Day 5

This is what I managed to get done today. I was a little distracted as i had to take our cat to the vet again today. He was bitten a couple of days ago. The vet thinks possibly another cat.

Anyway, he has not been putting any weight on his paw. I waited 2 days before taking him in - just in case it was something that would heal itself. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.

I have to go in for 5 days for him to get some antibiotics.

Our cat got bitten by something and he’s not feeling well. He’s been to the vet a couple of times lately…have to to take him back 3 more times.

Today’s finishes:

Here is my ever growing stack:

I suppose you’ve noticed by now that I’m not making my goal of getting some of these sandwiched and then quilted. It’s because my table is covered with fabric and clearing it off and changing modes will actually make me slower. So, for now I will continue to get tops put together and ready to sandwich until I have 120. I am going through fabric at a rate unlike I’ve ever done before!

This is for all those people who somehow feel guilty if they have 4 tops sitting around their house! While I would prefer to have 0 tops that haven’t been quilted yet, for me it’s part of the process. I usually do enjoy making them first and then a while later quilting them. I get a new charge out of them when I quilt them. If I make them and quilt them, bam, bam I don’t get that same double enjoyment!

Today’s gallery of finished tops:

I am really enjoying doing these Shadowed Florals. I believe I will end up with 9 of them and then I’ll switch over and work on the solid colors- of which I hope to do 12. We’ll see how that goes.

I may go stark raving mad by trying to make that many of one kind. But I do like the look.

In case you missed it, this is the idea for the shadowed solids -

And that’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve been working hard on these tops - trying to get them finished so I can move into the second step of getting at least some of them done before I take a break from these!

Check back in tomorrow for the next progress report.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post