Charity Quilt Week 3 - Day 7
OK. I put the “pedal to the metal” and decided to just finish them all up so that I could move on. The Juki at its lightning speed has certainly helped with that. No, I’m not completely done yet with all of my tops from Fran, but hopefully very, very soon!
Here’s my most recent finishes!
Even though I’ve been concentrating on what I call “adult” quilts, I also wanted to do some owl ones as I still have that owl fabric. I’d love to use it up. I might use it as backing on a few quilts and then I’d go through if fast. The problem is that the colors are so “specific” that I’ve not had a lot of things that it would look great with.
Anyway…I’ve had ladies take owl quilts (for themselves, I believe), so……
The simple solid colors rail fence with the black and colorful is something I had cut out a couple of years ago and had in plastic bags (there are three of them - just one shown today). I rediscovered these bags of already cut colorful and some black strips when I was completely cleaning out my sewing room to make room for my Juki. I had meant for them to be charity quilts, so I put them in my pile of “to finish up this year” things to do. So, I did. There are two more also. I love these as well!
The reason you are seeing so many is because you are finally seeing the result of using the Juki. I’'m really seeing a difference in how fast I can go. I also am getting better at going fast. I also have learned how to fill a bobbin WHILE I sew, so of course, that saves time. That’s a feature that really appeals to me - it’s the ultimate “multitasking” sewing thing I can do now that I couldn’t do before I had that machine.
Here are the finished quilts so far. Spoiler alert - this is day 21 of charity quilt top making. I am getting close to finishing up my partially finished things and moving on to the next step.
Here are my totals:
Incidentally, as I was scouring my stash for something to go with that quick strippy pieces shown above (the second quilt), I came across this fabric - and the green matched the green in the prints I was using. I decided to use it. I came across this tag. I had to smile. While $2.79/yard seems cheap to us now, depending on what year this was, maybe it wasn’t really all that cheap after all. I am not sure if that 097 meant 1997. Anyway, that is 22 years ago if so. I could believe it.
Then, as I was turning over the fabric to cut it, I found THIS tag.
We have two supporting churches i the very cool town of Newton, KS
They have a headquarters of one of the Mennonite groups nearby and a huge thrift store run by the Mennonites there. I went to this store every day and scoured the fabric section and. I probably could not afford to actually live there! I scarfed up anything I thought i could use as the fabric actually averaged out to be under$1.50/yard - sometimes about $1/yard. Here’s the tag that was what I paid for it! I bought it in 2014, I believe. Now the fabric is used up and in a charity quilt.
May it provide someone warmth and comfort as it goes to a new home (after I finish the quilt!) I feel great when I can actually use up some fabric like this! I feel like it finally “found its home”!
And that’s what I’ve been doing - lately! Have a great day!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!