Quilted Twins

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Charity Quilt Week 2 - Day 1

I put in a lot of time today on this project.

Toggl told me I did 11 hours, 56 min.

I did stop for lunch - even got in my car and went to McDonalds just to get away from this.

Starting to cut up some of the sashing strips for preparation for making floral shadow quilts.

I am really working hard at this. I’m not playing around. I figure I’m the only one in the house at the moment and my husband doesn’t have to be bothered by my mess. So, I’m trying to use my time wisely.

However, I did start early - I’m determined to get to these floral shadow quilts - and today I finished the initial 24 different florals— I have at least 4 made of each one. I have more cut and want to make up more of those as I work on making the tops. But I figure I won’t want to actually make up more than 2 in any one day - I really have to stay interested to keep working at maximum speed. Trying to do more than 2 a day is really hard for me as boredom sets in. This is why you will see a variety of different finished tops each day. That’s my plan. It helps keep me involved. And when I’m involved, I’m a better worker.

I decided to stick with this layout. It will be a bit longer than I normally make, but it is the right width. That makes it so much easier for me with regards to backing and batting. If I keep the width of the top to about 65” or less, I don’t need to piece backing or batting. It makes it must faster to sandwich.

I’m hoping to put the first two floral shadow quilt tops together tomorrow.

Otherwise, I spent most of the day simply sewing. I ran down to the dining room table to cut from time to time, but didn’t cut for any long period of time.

Toggl said I did this:

  • 1 hour, 4 minutes - ironing tops

  • 1 hour, 37 min. cutting borders and blocks (in three different sessions)

  • and and all the rest of the time just sewing.

I did manage to finish up putting on borders or sewing 9 different tops today.

My pile of finished tops:

Here’s the gallery:

Here’s how big my piles are starting to get:

I keep forgetting actually how many I have ready to sandwich, so I just wrote it down.

And, I couldn’t let the florals have all the fun. I have every intention of making a bunch of these with solids. A bunch.

I am convinced they will go “fast” when it comes time for people to choose what they want. I am cutting these 9.5” squares and making the same types of blocks as with the florals.

Here’s how it will look:

And now you know.

Have you heard people say, “I work better under pressure”? I was taught, however, that no one actually works “better” under pressure…what they do is work! Really work.

I have decided to make myself do this as an attempt to see what I could accomplish in this short amount of time while my husband is out of town.

I’m hoping the rest of my fabric shows up tomorrow that I ordered.

However, I have completely run out of the red I ordered several years ago and I have about 1/2 meter of royal blue. My black has been hit very hard as well. I may need to restock all three of those shortly. I really need the red and blue for the Spiderman panels!

And that’s what I’ve been up to.

Check back tomorrow for the next installment!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post