Quilted Twins

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Need a name - Top number 66 in my 2" series finished

I had (have) a whole bunch of half square triangles (HST) which are leftovers from other projects. I decided I should attempt to begin to use them. Seriously.

This is my first top with that in mind.

These are using my pastely - greens/pinks, blues, purples and whites in the 2” size. Some I had to trim to 2”, but some were okay as they were.

This is number 66 in my 2” series since I did primarily use that size in this pattern.

It’s really quite simple. I wasn’t “up for” making something complicated at this point. The whole quilt is based on this one block plus the sashing and cornerstones.

it is simple enough so that if you can make a nice half square triangle, you can make this top!

I made a random variety of those blocks using the colors I naturally love. Love how I put that? Since I’ve started quilting, my love of color has expanded exponentially - but I am naturally drawn to these colors.

The interesting thing with this layout is that when I was placing them in position, I was concentrating so much on spacing out the colors of the outer HST that I didn’t pay attention to the color of the inner strip. I didn’t notice how I put so many of the yellow ones close together until I put the top together.

But I was unwilling to rip it out at that point and rearrange things. I figured it’s part of the charm of a scrap quilt! Random actually doesn’t mean perfectly spaced out squares. Random sometimes means things get placed together next to each otherwise that might not be.

I am currently working on the pattern for this top - have it almost done in fact. In fact, I’ll be showing the finished quilt in a couple of days and at that point I’ll put the pattern up on the site.

With its name. I’m still thinking about that. If you have a suggestion, I’m eager to hear it. I do want it based more on the shapes than on the colors, though since it would look fine in darker colors as well.

And this is what’s been happening in my part of the world!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

While not ALL of my half square triangles that I located in my sewing room, this is the majority of them. I didn’t have them all sorted when I took this picture. I did find more when I cleaned out my sewing room a couple of weeks ago.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

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