Quilted Twins

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2019 Charity quilts 1-3

Well, here they are. I’ve been a bit distracted trying to get a lot of other things finished up lately but I did get these done - all done with their labels on!

I’ll show a few at a time when I finish them up so you can see them nicely!

#1 Shadow quilt with solids

#2 Quick Strippy with borders

#3 Scrapbook style

Here’s a simple gallery of quilt backs. I think I’ll do that this year as I show the charity quilts so you can see what I put on the back side. Many Polish people like to use both sides!

Summary photo:

I hope these charity quilts will inspire you and encourage you to create - even simple quilts can bring pleasure and enjoyment (and warmth) to a person. You don’t have to spend buckets of money or all of your time to a single quilt.

Oh, and if you want to help out with this project, I’m always, and I mean, always, ready to accept help with tops! I will happily accept tops in any color way, size, and almost any theme (I don’t want any pinup girls or guys) as long as they are made well. IOW, I don’t want any open lace or “sheer” fabric without backing. Otherwise, I can use it!

Just write me at customerservice@quiltedtwins.com and I’ll give you the details. My “made well” policy just means I prefer machine made tops over hand made as they are stronger and seams that are sewn together without holes. It does not mean that all points have to match, or that you can’t use poly cotton, etc. What I know is that tastes vary - so I love getting tops from others!

That’s it for today!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post