Quilted Twins

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Polish fabric!

I was able to buy some fabrics from local sources to be used as charity quilt backings. When I first started making charity quilts, I used some of my “lesser” fabrics for backings. After some time I pretty much used up all of those pieces. Then, I began to search for second hand items to use as backings. But it was taking a long time for the hunt - and I wanted to be more productive. I was starting to become more aware of local fabric companies and so I began to search for companies where I could buy from directly from them - not from a regular retail store.

We do have an official charitable organization here, so it hasn’t been a problem at all. They gladly sell right to me!

The two local Polish companies I’ve used in the past, and hope to again in the future, are Kary and Kejt.

As we look at the fabrics, I’d like to comment that often the detail and finishes in the fabrics we can get here just aren’t the same as the ones you have from the big name manufacturers many of you are familiar with.

If you hold them side by side, they look primitive in their finishes and detail. But if you don’t do that, then all is fine.

I spent quite a while on these two companies’ websites trying to decide on what I wanted to get.

Of course, money is always an issue - I have to buy quite a bit at once so I need to be careful which designs to buy. I was looking for things that would work for a large segment of the population - for example, either men or women or girls of all ages might like - or guys of all ages and not something too age specific.

I also tried to stay away from a lot of white - as I’ve noticed our recipients prefer more colorful backings. They think white shows the dirt too much. To be specific, what they say is “It gets dirty too quickly”. What they really mean is is looks dirty too quickly since a darker colored backing may actually be just as a dirty as a white one - just doesn’t show it.

They don’t sell you only 15 yards at a time, however, they sell you 50 meters at a time - (50 meters is about 50 yards). The bundles are rather large and quite heavy.

For the rest of the article, just remember, a meter = 39”.

Here’s what I got:

I bought these from Kary, a company based in Lodz, a city about 2 hours from here. It used to be the center of Polish cotton and linen manufacturing, which I’ve been told used to be a large industry.

The designs are all quite LARGE which is why they are perfect for backings.

These two bolts of fabric cost me 910 zl or $240 at today’s exchange rate, which of course varies by the date. This included $5 (19 zl) to ship both bolts to me. (I know, our shipping is dirt cheap - and I’m enjoying every minute of it!)

They total 130 meters. I have 70 meters of the gray background/butterflies and 60 of the fabric that was on sale - the jungle pattern.

I am delighted I got more of the butterflies than the jungle as I really do like the butterflies and figure it will work for anyone, just as the jungle will, actually.

I know which is which only because I knew the jungle was on sale. The cost per meter of the jungle was 4,90 zl or $1.29 PLUS 23% VAT tax, so the total was $1.59/meter. This is about 63” wide fabric.

The butterflies cost me $1.60 meter plus VAT (23%), so a total of $1.97 per meter of 63” wide fabric.

It will take about 100” of fabric per quilt to make the backings for the single (smaller) sizes.

I got these from Kejt, a company based in Radom, probably about an hour and a half from here.

I bought 5 different fabrics from this company as they had more of what I was looking for at this time.


I had desperately needed a sort of off white - or light tan. I believe they actually called this one cappuccino. When ordering something like this from a computer screen, it is a big gamble, but the color ended up being just about perfect for what I needed.

The cost for all 5 of these fabrics was 1873 zl or $494 which included $7.50 in shipping (28 zl) (GRIN :) - I consider that a steal!

The cost for each design?

This is difficult to know as they don’t give me a nice itemized list as you might get when you order from a company with a price per yard. They just tell me what the base fabrics are (the greige goods seem to each have a name) and charge for that. They put it on the receipt like this:

If you only buy 2 pieces of fabric, then it is easier (as in the case above), but when I bought 5 different ones, it is hard for me to know which is which. I don’t know the difference between their “Rubin” and “Koral”, for example.

I can figure out that the solid color one was 4,20 zl a meter or $1.10/meter PLUS VAT for a total of $1.36/meter final price.

It’s a very popular sport here!

I figure this fabric is great for anyone - except small children!

The most expensive price here was 5,30/meter or $1.39/meter PLUS VAT for a total of $1.72/meter of fabric. The other fabrics were either that or a bit less.

So the least I paid was $1.39 for the cream/light tan to $1.97 per meter for the butterflies on gray shown at the top.

All the rest were in between those prices. I did get 100 meters of the cars and keys/retro feel.

When I order, I don’t really have a choice as to how much I get in a bolt - obviously I could order more than 1 bolt, however, if I wanted more. For my own sake, I don’t usually order than one bolt at a time (I get kind of tired of looking at after 50+ meters at a time!)

I order “a bolt” and if they have a lot on the bolt, then I have to buy it - such as this one where there are 100 meters instead of 50, 60 or 70.

As a result, when I “go shopping” on line, I have to ask first how much everything is going to be and they send me an invoice. I then have 1 day to send them a bank transfer. That’s a far cry from the 30 days my sis has there in FL where they ship it, then invoice it and she has 30 days to pay. Quilted Twins, the business doesn’t buy these - we are buying them (my husband and I).

But it’s always a lot of money - so I have to very picky about what I buy.

I was seriously in love with this fabric and was so happy that they had it in stock.

VAT tax here is 23% as you’ve seen above.

They have to add this, however, so I’m not complaining.

I suppose it helps to keep the Polish government running, which, of course, we need to happen!

I know this is very feminine and for that reason, I almost didn’t buy it, but the part of me that loves these colors insisted.



I’m not buying any for you to buy from me.

This fabric is simply too heavy and I have things to bring to the states (like finished quilts).

This is just a FYI post and I figured you’d might like to know. Sometimes people are curious.

If you have sent me money as a thank you for the free patterns, I used it on this fabric!

Thank you for doing that!

Consider yourself part of this outreach if you’ve contributed!

I really appreciate it as it all helps a lot.

When you consider you can get the backing for a charity quilt for the price of a meal at a fast food restaurant, I think it’s not a bad deal and do-able.

Oh, and the other super plus about buying these fabrics makes the quilts completely reversible, which, in my mind, is a win/win.

And now you know more than you ever wanted to know about the fabrics I just ordered from two different Polish manufacturers of cotton. (I think most of their customers are people who make duvet covers.)

Have a great day wherever you are!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post