Quilted Twins

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"This ‘n That" - upcycled blues #49 top finished

Yes, it’s here at last. I had a week off while working on the Alaska set, but I’m back at it. Hard at it. I’ve given myself til the end of this month to finish the tops on this upcycled blues series. What I don’t use up either goes into the trash/kindling, thrown into the purples or put back into the box. :)

I guess that isn’t too extreme, is it?

Interestingly enough, the sashing on this one is exactly the same as with one of the last ones I did (Shuttered Scraps); however, because the other one was a much smaller block and on point, it looks quite a bit different. By sort of “stretching this out” so that the sashing block appears long and thin, it really doesn’t look like the same block.

This one is so easy to get turned around. Be care if you choose to do it!

It’s my 49th quilt from the upcycled blues fabrics. I would not have believed you if you would have told me this back in November ‘17 when I started on this journey. It’s probably better that I didn’t know. I may never have started!

The center section:

A closer up of the center two blocks with the sashing effect:

I’m planning on only one more. As I work on this last one, I’ll be trimming more into 1.5” strips and squares and using those - as many as I can. It won’t be an extremely “unusual” last quilt - warning. Lower your expectations a bit.

But I’m ready to be done.

The pattern is up and on the free patterns page and the upcycled blues page has been updated with the pictures of this top and pattern.

I hope you can use it!

Have a great day!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post