Cultural: Garden Update
With the extremely hot weather we've been having the garden has been growing like weeds. Pumpkins, green beans, corn - all of them! I've even had some tomatoes!
My garden isn't really big this year - there are just two of us at home now - and I didn't want to invest a lot of time into it. So, I threw some seeds into the ground, watered occasionally, pulled some weeds, and now we are beginning to reap the harvest! That's one thing that is different about plants as opposed to fabric. With plants, given the right conditions - water and heat - they grow with no help of mine. Unfortunately, fabric, though, once planted in a certain spot in my sewing room stays there until I pick it up and work with it again! are some pictures as they speak more than all my words!
Pumpkins - They are so much fun to grow! I usually end up giving most of them away. I do like to make pumpkin bread from them and I like pumpkin soup.
Corn - What more to say? If you've not had fresh sweet corn from the garden, well, then, you've just missed something.
All I can say is, "Try it!"
Zucchini - none yet - I planted them late - but the plants look great!
Green and purple beans -
Decorative gourds - stores like Lidl sell them in the fall, but they actually cost more per kilo than food items! I couldn't believe it last year when I saw them. I decided to let these volunteer plants live and see what they produced.
And that's how my garden has been growing!
I trust you are having a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has in the store for you!