Quilted Twins

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My "Almost Fourth Quarter 2019" Quilting Progress Report

Goals and Active Projects/series

I am not sure why, but it feels like this year I’ve not been as productive as I wish I had been. I know the fall quilting season is just now coming upon us - but somehow it feels like the end of the year is galloping my way.

And I’m not ready for it.

Where am I on my goals?

Charity quilts…Hanging head very, very low.

I have completely finished exactly 10. I have 110 left to finish in 2019!

Yes, you read that right! I am figuring out some sort of motivator to get me going on those! I am going to set myself a goal of quilting 1 per day (they should take less than 1 hour each) once I finish the upcycled blues completely.

The good news here is that all of the tops I need to make into quilts are finished - so all I have left to do is sandwich, quilt, bind and label them!


Upcycled Blues:

This picture is from reasonably early in the project.

I have 3 left to finish quilting before the series is finished!

This series will be complete at 50 quilts. All from upcycleds. I did add other colors as needed to make the look I was going for.

I started this series in November, 2017.

2” series:

There is no “set number” that is my goal - just want to continue to use up my 2” strips - getting them down to a more reasonable level than I have currently. I would like to get caught back up on quilting the tops I have made.

I have finished 81 tops in this series, and I have shown all except one to you.

I have several left to quilt - in fact, I haven’t quilted numbers 60-62, and 67-81.

I have several in the “block stage” (or strips) in my sewing room.

The first two years I did it, I tried to finish 21 or 22 each year. Probably not going to make that goal this year. I started this series in 2015, but the Upcycled Blues series kind of upstaged it - which is why I really need to use up some more of these 2” pieces!

In the interest of full disclosure, one of the 2” series and one of the Upcycled Blues are the same quilt.

I started this series in the summer of 2015 - the summer my dad passed away.

The Big Fabric Haul series:

I am current with 14 tops made - goal is one top per week average until the fabric is gone. That will be 52 tops a year - in three yeas, which is when I hope to be finished with it all - that would be 150+ tops. The plan is for all of these to be charity quilts.

I started this series in late July, 2019, as we purchased this fabric July 2, 2019

So there you go. It’s time for me to get back to the sewing machine and get busy. Not sure what I’ve been doing with all my time this year!


Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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