The humorous/interesting things from our trip
Seen at our hotel:
“Nail Fail”
Sign at the airport in the ladies’ bathroom above the toilet.
But they are so considerate at the airport to let you have a shower for your feet! I didn’t actually see go in or out of it, but it’s there! I’ve never seen that before.
Admittedly I was a bit worried about the “bathroom situation”. When I was younger I didn’t mind even wilderness camping - can’t say I LIKED it, but I tolerated it. But as I grow older I have less desire to use the bushes, etc. My sis encouraged me to take pictures of the various outhouses or toilets that I encountered that were a bit different.
The hardest thing about the “bathroom situation” “everywhere, though, is that you aren’t supposed to throw the tp in the toilet - you are supposed to use the trash can. I didn’t take a picture. I’ll let you use your imagination on that one. Not a single trash can had a lid on it, either - except maybe one of the ones at the airport.
Umm…I hate to even mention these things, but this whole “bathroom situation” was the biggest thing I was worried about with this trip!
I guess I’ve gotten to be a first class wimp! It’s all very normal to everyone who lives there.
In the airport in Istanbul, Turkey near our gate.:
In a restaurant in Bishkek:
At a private home:
There were various OTHER things as well. Here are some pictures. If you want to go faster than the 5 seconds the pictures are set for, just click the arrows.
There you go - some of the funny/interesting things I saw!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!