"Random Act 2" quilt finished!
I’m not actually calling the finished pattern “Random Act 2” - but rather something a little less specific to this first one.
I decided on Sweetness and Light. I know that would depend on what color scheme you made it in, but that is how this one ended up looking! Obviously if you used black as the sashing, it might not be so light! It would still be cool, though!
What makes it have that light and airy feeling is the amount of white in it. I described what happened in my post a couple of days ago and why I made it like this - but the proportion of white to color is pretty high. Add all the sashing strips to the amount of white in the squares themselves and it is no wonder that the “feel” to this quilt is sweetness and light.
These squares were all from the shirts that inspired this top. The lady who offered them up on the local “zero waste” group had a nice collection of 5 sort-of-coordinated-colors shirts. They were here.
While I had 5 shirts to work with, the coloration of the one on top helped it feel like I had 6 since I had red sections and blue sections. That was pretty helpful!
I really did work at using all the pieces I had. The back is where I was able to use up all the little small pieces and squares that I had cut for the middle.
I decided to do the pretty tight circular things here. Once again - I like how it looks in the finished product. I used my Janome 8900. No, they aren’t paying me to mention them.
Maybe I should contact them? LOL
I was really pleased with how this quilt turned out. It wasn’t really big - I think it was about a 57”x70” ish.
Here’s the back: It is all upcycled except for the white—in fact, all the white on the front and back was from one of my rolls of fabric that I buy direct from a local Polish manufacturer.
I really went to town on the back.
While I often do pieced backings, I’ve never done one like this.
So…now for the big question -
What did the lady think when I gave it to her?
I had a hard time making contact with her, first of all.
But that is my fault - I am sure she has a regular job during the day and that is when I stopped by her house a couple of times.
I didn’t want her to tell me to forget it, so I didn’t push it, but I did message her and tell her that I was in the area - was she home? - I had something for her in appreciation.
(This part is a bit awkward.)
She wasn’t home either of the two times I had stopped by there.
The second time it happened, we agreed on Saturday to try again.
But the Saturday before Christmas in Poland is pretty frantic and when I asked her about 10 on Saturday morning if she was going to be home, she sent me a message to tell me not to worry about it.
I had told her that I had something for her. (All of our communication was by Messenger.)
After she told me not worry about it, I wrote her “Thank you, but I made something specifically for you - it will only take about 2 minutes of your time.”
I felt a little bit like I was pleading with her to let me come see her.
So she said she would be home about noon. I went over to where her house was and then wrote her a message and she came out to the street where I was parked. (Most houses here have big fences around the whole yard.)
I gave her the bag where I had put the quilt. I don’t think she had any idea what it was at at first.
Even when she saw it, she didn’t recognize that they were HER shirts. I could tell that, so I pointed it out. Then she was taken aback.
I explained that I liked to sew/make “patchwork” and just wanted to do it. She asked me what she was supposed to do or give in return. (I think that is what she was saying.) I responded that it was a present and that I just wanted to do it - that it was nice to do something as a surprise at times - to people who aren’t expecting anything.
So, after showing her, trying to keep it quick and not take up her time on this very valuable Saturday before Christmas (time wise), she said simply, “Well thank you very much!” and leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek!
It was so sweet! I then left her with her bag. (I made two quilted hearts to go with it. I had actually made 4 small quilted hearts with the crumbs and put two of them in the bottom of the bag I had put the quilt into. I’m keeping two - eventually will keep one for my sewing room and one will be part of the I Found a Quilted Heart action I’m hoping to attempt to do in 2020.)
backs - love this burlap I found at my local “findings” shop. Unfortunately, they don’t have anymore — I’ve been using it on the backs to make them pretty and add a bit of stiffness to the quilted hearts I’ve been making.
By the time I got home, I had a message saying once again a sweet thank you with a bunch of emoticons. I’ll translate it for you!
“Thank you very much, it’s very pretty! Super!” and multiple emoticons.
I think she was quite happy!
And now you know!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Oh wait…I did finish the pattern up for you. It’s here.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!