Quilted Twins

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Big Fabric Haul - end of month 6 update

Well, once again, with Christmas and all the goings on, I didn’t want to spend much time working on these quilts, so I just did some more simple sashing, cornerstones and on point!

Here they are. They are numbers 24, 25 and 26. They definitely took more time than a straight layout, however. Not sure why. Maybe it’s psychological!

Half of a year is only 26 weeks. I already had 23 quilts/tops/ from these pieces, so I opted to only make 3 this month.

Why not? I’ve set my plan - and I might as well let myself “go by” that plan which is “one of these tops a week for the year” (average)- so 52 tops a year from this group of fabrics. Half a year is 26 weeks.

I did not check and see if July-December has more weeks than the first part of the year—but it’s fine! we bought these fabrics in early July, so I believe I am on target with my plan.

The plan for December’s quilt tops

I think I will do something similar with January’s tops as well but this time use a smaller sashing and no borders - just use the side setting triangles as either brown or the tan. I figured it out and those will take 39 of these squares. That is great because I will use up considerably more that way.

This is the plan for the ones I just did:

The plan for January’s quilt tops

The ones I am hoping to do in January will be like this shown below I already have most of my brown fabrics cut into 10” squares.

This will use up a lot of it! Remember, I am hoping to use up this fabric by the end of 2021, so I must be making progress, which I think I am. - was thinking about a year and a half of the browns and a year and a half of the blacks/grays. I may have more of a problem with the blacks as they are more similar to each other. I do have some solid gray that I’ve bought, however.

It is hard to actually think that I could have 150+ quilt tops made out of this set of fabrics - but I don’t see why not if I keep taking “nibbles out of the apple,” so to speak, month by month.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m still on the browns!

If you want to see this series from the beginning, you can go here and read about it from the start of our trip to go get the fabric I found on an auction site here in Poland.

In short, if you don’t know the story, I’m trying to use up these fantastic sportswear fabrics by primarily using 10” squares as it is hard to use these in smaller pieces due to the thickness of the fabrics.

The benefit of this is, if you happen to see something you actually like, you could use the idea with any “layer cake” (10” squares) you happen to have!

And that’s all I’ve got for you today.

It’s kind of short and sweet - not that actually making these tops was “short and sweet” - it took me parts of three days to actually get them finished…can you believe that?

Have a great day wherever you are! Thanks for reading!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

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