Quilted Twins

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First top from low volume blocks

I decided on this on point layout using purple and gray.

Somehow this is what seemed to work for me.

I don’t know..maybe I was having a crisis of color at that point, but nothing seemed to work for me in the Electric Quilt program even by simply changing colors around a good bit for sashings, cornerstones, etc.

Everything seemed to fight with the colors/design in the blocks themselves. I couldn’t have that.

So I added more to the outside of the blocks. Ah..NOW I like them. A lot, in fact!

The side pieces gave me the visual break I needed when I looked at them on the computer screen.

Of course, at this point - the block is huge - 22” . With it being such a ginormous block, it didn’t take very many to make a quilt top!—A big one at that!

Now this is what I looked at on my screen - by adding a nice vibrant side setting triangle, it worked!

Here’s the plan with the lines showing up where the blocks are.

Here’s the plan where I took the lines out - this would be more like what it would look like in real life. The top is approximately 98”x98”.

I am always amazed at EQ and how close things actually do look to the plan I don’t know why I’m surprised at this point, but I am always a bit pleased/surprised when it seems to look so much like what I had drawn up and laid out.

In FL along the freeway - !-75, there are some billboards advertising some women who take their clothes off for truckers I guess - a disclothe or whatever you call it - The signs say in really big letters “WE BARE ALL”.

Well, I decided to let you see what I’ve got going on in the living room - baring all- I know some of you will gasp in amazement as to how awful it is. Others will take it right in stride - maybe you’ve done remodeling or repainting in your house while still trying to “do things”.

Not so easy, is it?

Usually I just sort of crop first and then pixelate all the junk (oops…stuff) around the quilt tops so you can’t see it. This time I thought I’d let you see “the rest of the story”.

Here is it.

My husband warned me early today that he wanted to do some sanding on some drywall he is finishing - so when I mentioned that I wanted to get a picture of a quilt top in this area before he started he told me, “Hurry up”. So I did. I pressed it quickly to get most of the wrinkles out as this one has been sitting around for a couple of weeks.

I then put it on the floor and got some pictures before he started sanding. I didn’t want to have to deal with THAT stuff while photographing. Unfortunately for him (and me) when he started sanding he found out the mud wasn’t all the way dry so he couldn’t continue - in the meantime, my photos were already taken.

Anyway, here’s another shot of the same top and you can see what we’ve got going on. I’ve still got the roll of batting there - it is mostly out of the way - and I’ve now got some fabric covering it.

Remember how I’ve written about being process or project oriented?

In short, the people who are process oriented are the ones who tell you to “enjoy the journey”, and emphasize how fun it is to make quilts. They are never in a hurry to finish - and really just love “to quilt” or “to piece”. The end or final project is the reward for the process.

The project oriented ones get the most joy out of a finish. Of course they enjoy the process or they wouldn’t do it, but they really like a finished product. It’s the reason they quilt - to make something - and have it finished.

Well, in life, I’m more of a project oriented person, but when it comes to things like building, my husband is a process oriented person. He enjoys the process. In building - I don’t enjoy the process really at all - I just want it done already. I don’t hate it - just don’t particularly like doing it - such as painting. I can paint - but I can’t say I get all excited about painting - but do like the look afterwards.

I used to let it bother me so much.

I think when I first read this article in a magazine about the process/project oriented person (It was in a Country magazine by Reiman Publishing about a kid who liked to build a train set with the track and all - and all his friends and family asked him when he was going to finish it - and he realized he never really cared if he ever finished - he was just enjoying the process) many years ago now, it hit me that my husband just liked having a project to do. It helped me have a better attitude about long, drawn out home projects. (Mostly when they affect me and my ability to function.)

So, while dragging a remodeling project out a long time, can drive me bananas, I do try to remember that is what he likes and it is primarily his project. So…………………all that to say…I am functioning, but certainly not at optimum.

You don’t have to feel sorry for me - just realize that it is going on in my life.

Thankfully my sewing room is upstairs and not part of the the painting/drywall mess - though my table where I sandwich and often cut is.

Anyway, this is the first top where I used up the blocks.

Come back for the next one tomorrow! I’ve not written up the patterns, but hope to get them all written up shortly.

After I show you all three, then I’d love help with naming the patterns.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post