Quilted Twins

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Birthday Bash winners!

Thank you so much for playing along with us last week in our

Birthday Bash celebration!

No, it’s not that we think our birthday is all that important - it’s just a chance to do some fun things.

August in Florida is hot! It’s the “dog days”.

August in Poland is quiet. It feels like 2/3 of Poland is gone on vacation - somewhere - else - just not here.

So, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves about being the ones “who have to stay home” right now - in the heat for Rachael, and in the emptiness for Becky (I exaggerate)…we decided to “create the fun” ourselves.

We had a Three (3) way celebration “on line” and also in person in the store.

The 3-way celebration on line were 2 chances on Facebook - which will be dealt with on Facebook - and on this blog. I will share the BLOG winners here!

The colors of the bags are from left - plum, black, tan, navy, white - and there are two fabrics - a butterfly or a Polish folk design. If you win, you need to choose 1 color of bag and your choice of 1 yard of Polish fabric.

We decided to have two winners for each day since we had such great participation!

Here are the winners for this past week’s blog post:

Monday - Judy Murdoch, Lorelei Hauptmann

Tuesday - Laurilli - who wrote “Batiks or noveltys [sic] or wait! Just the whole store!”, Wendy Admire-Becerra

Wednesday - Jo - who wrote - “Alaska - have wanted to go for thirty plus years.…”, Linda Pickenpaugh

Thursday - Amanda Viser, Janet Crossman

Friday - Sharon Browne, Bonnie who wrote, “I guess a jelly roll quilt could be considered controlled scrappy look created by the fabric designer.…”

Saturday - Susan Schoolcraft, Tammy Barton


If your name is listed above:

I need you to contact me with your full name/address so I can get you your prize in the mail. They will take a week minimum since they are coming from Poland.

Please send me an email to customerservice@quiltedtwins.com with your preference of color of bag and fabric choice!


If you are on Facebook (I recognize some of your names so I know at least a few of you are), you can write me a PM with the information instead of sending an email.

To all of you:

I wish I could afford to give all of you the prize. Unfortunately, I can’t. So, maybe next time YOU will be the winner!

Thanks so much for reading this past week, and for commenting! I do appreciate all your participation!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post