Quilted Twins

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Something's not right here!

A couple of days ago I noticed that one of my pumpkins was turning soft around the stem - I needed to use it. There wasn’t even time to give it away.

So I brought it in the house and cooked it. If you’ve not done that - that means I cut it open, took off the soft part around the stem, and scraped out the seeds and threw all that stuff into the compost - I saved a few seeds for planting next year. Then I cut it into sort of smallish pieces and put it on a jelly roll pan and put the pieces into the oven and baked until soft (over an hour). I then just let them all sit out and cool off. I’m sure I was sewing…didn’t want to take the time to deal with it. Procrastination.

The next day I scraped off all the soft parts and put it all in the food processor and made pumpkin puree from it. I got 18 cups of pumpkin puree from that one pumpkin.

I decided to go ahead and make some pumpkin bread - I used regular loaf pans and made 4 loaves of regular sized bread and 12 small loaves - that was 3x my recipe.

After the pumpkin bread was done, I wanted to get some artsy pictures for my Facebook timeline. I took one of the large loaves and a small loaf and a pumpkin and took this photo. (My kids really love my pumpkin bread - wanted them to see it.)

Recognize that table? Usually you are seeing quilt rolls or something else related to fabric on it!

Obviously, this is NOT the pumpkin with the soft spot around the stem! This is a tiny one - the one I cooked up was not. Sorry…I didn’t take pictures..I wasn’t planning on making it into a blog post.

Then I decided to try for some pictures of the tops of the smaller ones - kind of an overview- trying to get that cool fuzzy look in the background, etc.

I noticed something a bit off when I looked at the pictures on my computer screen.

“Is that what I think it is? That white thing?”

I wondered if I had truly baked a piece of thread in the bread! REALLY?

But how did that happen?

I have no idea. I went back to the kitchen, pulled off the offending thread and retook the pictures!

Thankfully it was NOT baked into the bread. The only thing that makes sense is that it was on my clothing and when I put these little loaves on the cooling rack, it fell off my top onto the loaf.

I took some more pictures! Sans thread.

Here is one of them!

The pumpkin bread recipe is fantastic. I think the original, original recipe is from Reiman publications, but I got it from my friend, Sharon, who was another missionary here in Poland at the time.

Then, I tweaked the recipe a bit because we are in Poland and I didn’t have allspice.

It’s delicious! Moist. Flavorful!

I added two 100 gram (3 oz.) dark chocolate candy bars which I banged on the counter to break into small pieces - to the little loaves - I used the chocolate candy bars in lieu of semi sweet chocolate chips.

I have two really cute small bread shaped forms…and I made all of those with chocolate. The regular sized ones had no chocolate. All I did was sprinkle the chocolate on top right before putting it into the oven and some of the pieces sank into the pumpkin bread bread batter and some of it stayed on top as it cooked.

I took some to church on Sunday and shared. People love it!

Here’s the recipe I use:

Pumpkin bread

 1 cup veg. oil

1-2 cups pumpkin (cooked or canned) I use 2 cups

4 eggs, beaten

3 cups sugar

3 ½ cups flour

2 t. baking powder

2 t. baking soda

2 t. salt

1 t. ground cloves

1 ½ t. nutmeg

1 t. cinnamon

2/3 cup water

Mix all ingredients well. Grease and flour 2 loaf pans or a bunch of muffin tins.  Bake bread 1 hour at 350-400 degrees F.

Original recipe calls for allspice which we don’t have here in Poland. I upped the amount of nutmeg and cinnamon in lieu of that.

Just in case you are wondering what I did with the rest of the pumpkin - I put it in freezer bags in 2 cup amounts and put 6 packages in the freezer!

Have you ever shed thread in a weird place? Like find one in a drink or in the soup?

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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