Quilted Twins

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"Not-so-Quick-Strippie" finished!

All done!

I was pretty tired of more straight line quilting by the time I finished this one!

Oh, but I’ve done many with more than this one - I think just adding this much to the charity quilting I’ve been doing- my hands were actually starting to feel tired. It was good that I took a little break and actually pieced something last week (hoping to show you in a couple of days!)

I made the top a couple of months ago now and talked about it on this blog post and wanted to finish it to completion before it sat for too long!

So I did.

There really isn’t too much to this quilt - it’s very simple. I talked about the idea behind it at the original blog post where I showed lots of pictures of the making of the top.

I did pick through my 2” strips that were already cut and found the brightest I could. Obviously I cut the bordering strips and the wider strips from fabric that came from my shelves.

I was going for as bright of a color scheme as I could without being fluorescent! I also was aiming for the more ‘pure’ colors - reds, yellows, blues, greens and not really strange or ‘off colors’.

I went outside to get some pictures earlier in the day but the sun was shining a bit too brightly to get good pictures - but the colors were brilliant! Later in the day I took the rest of them with cloud cover.

And as usual, I like to get a picture of the quilt roll.

Another close up shot of the straight line quilting in one of the sections. I just eyeballed it - that’s why it isn’t perfect

I updated the pattern with new pictures and hope someone can use it!

I also updated the picture/pattern on the 2” strips project page. You knew I had that, right? RIGHT? LOL

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post