Quilted Twins

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Big Fabric Haul - end of Month 4 update


I finished up the end of month 3 a long time ago now - so long ago that I almost forgot about making these tops this month!

But October had about 5 weeks in it, so I needed to get on the stick and try to get 5 tops made from these browns. They are just sitting there and I need to use them up.

I’ve been incredibly busy with the charity quilting, as you know, but I really wanted to get these done, so I opted for simple. Really simple. I did have a fleeting thought of just skipping this month but decided that being busy wasn’t a good enough excuse. Being in the hospital or something major like that would be.

So what does a mom do when she’s really busy and doesn’t have time for a fancy meal but her kids are hungry? She fixes something SIMPLE (or goes out to eat!) I opted for simple.In this case “going out to eat” wasn’t an option.

Also, I will admit that seeing this one finished assured me that it was okay to do simple - here is one drying on the drying rack.

It’s just sashed squares using the tan that I have as the sashing and border fabric. And I liked it!

So this is what I did. I made these 5 for the 5 weeks of October - even if I did them all in one day!

I already had these strips sewn together for the second one - so all I did was finish it. My 10” squares are already cut up as well - so that’s not a big deal.

As I was considering what to do the last few days, I had an epiphany moment - why not use other prints as I make up these really simple tops and not just solids? (DUH! Sometimes I’m just not very smart! - I had used up some leftover backing for some previous ones but for some reason the thought of looking on my shelves for fabrics like this just hadn’t crossed my mind!)

So I went to my stash and began to look for some prints that had tans or browns in them. I started with the ones you are seeing. I knew if I were going to go simple - then at least the sashing pieces could be pretty or interesting.

I also had another moment of truth. I decided that even if I mess up on the coloration of the gradation of shades - I’m not taking it out. There may actually be someone out there who likes “quirky”. Since people choose their own quilts, if they don’t like it or it will bother them so much that they can’t sleep under it, then for sure, they won’t choose it.

Right? (GRIN!)

And the ones I did for this time, if I had questions, I brought the photo to my computer, converted it to black and white and checked it out and then went with what I thought.

Then, on a couple of them when I finished the top, it looked like I was wrong. But I’m embracing the wrong this time. A couple of months ago I ripped everything out and redid it. Not this time. No way. I had to do all of this today.

While it wasn’t particularly hard, we are getting ready for them to come and install our fiber optic cable as you read this, so there’s that to get ready for as well. (That involves some (!!) cleaning up and emptying out the attic storage area where they have to be able to work)

So, simple I did. But I am okay with all of them. All of them meet my own minimum standards of “they are fine”. Actually working with this sportswear fabric is a pleasure. The quality of the fabric is very high and thus, it’s kind of a throwback to when I used to sew clothing!

Here’s the series “to date”. As I’ve finished them completely, I am substituting the finished quilt for the top lying on the floor. You will have to click the arrows as I’m not making them automatically transition.

This brings the total to 19 so far in this series and they are all different. I am hoping that all of them will be different - even if similar - different!

And that’s all for today!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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