Quilted Twins

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Big Fabric Haul - end of Month 10 update

Well, it’s that time again!

I had some detours this month as you all know. I did decide to make only 4 tops this month so we are now at 44 tops so far from this fabric purchased last July. Obviously I am adding to it. In a way I’m surprised how fast it goes, but don’t worry - I still have plenty.

I probably should just devote myself to a week of sewing tops nonstop and try to finish up all this brown. Maybe one week when it is hot and I don’t want to do much of anything else. It doesn’t take much inspiration to make a top like this BUT they end up looking nice. that’s why I keep making them just like it!

It’s amazing how nice the finished quilt ends up looking. I was surprised and pleased. And people took them in our March give-away!

I use up these browns -each one uses 24 large pieces—and I end up finding a coordinating fabric from my stash.

I can make a top pretty quickly.

And I’m not super concerned about making a quick top if it isn’t going to be nice in the end. I’d personally rather take a bit longer and make it nice. But these do END UP NICE.

The fabric does it.

It’s nicer to the touch than it looks in the pictures. Both of the taupey fabrics here are very nice quality and someone is going to love them—especially this first one. It feels sort of like a mock suede. it’s got a very comforting tactile feeling to it. I wanted to just keep petting it.


These middle two tops are simply rich. Luscious. What can I say about those two deep colored corduroy fabrics? They are better in person, than in the photos. The only problem with the dark brown is the fact that it shows up all the little threads and such - like black. But, oh, the color! So pretty! Someone is GOING TO LOVE THESE!




The lighter ones - we’ll see. I went into my stash and pulled out this piece that I bought at thrift shop in Newton, KS called Et Cetera - it’s run by the Mennonites - I paid $9 for 4.5 yards and I used it up on these two tops for the sashings and border.

I wasn’t crazy about the color - seemed hard for me to use, so I was glad to see it useful for these! (I only know about the price because the tag was still on it from the thrift store!) I loved that shop. We were there in 2013, I believe it was - the year my oldest son got married.

So, this fabric has finally found its home!

I had to make one of them with the outer border cut at 5” instead of 6.5” because I was going to run short otherwise. But that’s fine.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about with these tops - back last July we took a road trip to southern Poland and bought a bunch of leftovers from a home business - it was suitings and other really high quality fabrics - mostly. I have used up almost all of the batting - will finish it up when i get going on finishing up more charity quilts - and have thread to last me for years. I’ve given a bit of the thread to two ladies who are making masks.

Because the fabric is not intended for quilting, but rather, clothing, I’m leaving it in big pieces - cutting it into 10” or 8” pieces (if at the end of the piece I can’t get a 10” cut, I will cut an 8” square). if it is smaller than that, I donate it to the lady who does crafts with the mentally ill.

It’s all explained here. You can take a summary glimpse at the quilts I’ve already finished and all the tops I’ve made up to date from these fabrics!

And that’s all for this month’s “Big Fabric Haul” tops. They are all folded and put away with my other charity quilts tops for now.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Stay safe!

Just for Fun! A Give-Away -

10 days straight excluding Sunday

Look down below the row of fabrics for the question for the GIVE AWAY!!!

Yes, we are going to be having a drawing every day for 10 days (excluding Sunday)…your chance to win one of these bags - a reusable Polish folk design shopping bag. If you win, YOUR responsibility is to contact me. I will notify the winners at the end of the contest.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

Today’s question - you HAVE to answer in the comments below. If for some reason you can’t answer down there, send me an email to customerservice@quiltedtwins.com . There are a few people who don’t seem to have the comment box.

Please, put either your whole name or something distinctive - not just “Susan” or “Donna” or “Linda”. We seem to have a lot of people here with those first names. Thanks! If you don’t want to put your first and last name put your first name and two more letters.

Answer this question:

How old were you when you made your first “THING” on a sewing machine? (if you can’t remember, guess!) Approximate ages allowed, no problem.

See this content in the original post