"Old World Fantasy" - Week 6
Here we go again!
Thank you for coming along with us on this adventure! I hope you are enjoying it!
If you are new to reading here, we are working on a mystery quilt with the clues given out weekly— on Fridays.
I am offering it in two colorways - red/brown/gold and blue/gray. Here we go with week 6!
For the Blue/Gray Quilt:
From your royal blues - not your royal blue constant - but not your very lights, either. Make sure it will stand out nicely against your lights.
Cut strips 1.5”x12.5”
lap - 16
full - 48
queen - 64
Put them in your plastic bag - we will not use them today. Just wanted you to cut them!
From royal blues and darker grays, cut 3.5” squares like this:
lap - 12 grays, 12 blues
full - 30 grays, 32 blues
queen - 40 grays, 40 blues
Put them in your plastic bag - we will not use them today. Just wanted you to cut them!
Make half square triangles from a combination of darker blues/grays and light blues/light grays. All you need here is contrast! If you have any “bonus “triangles that will work from what you made before, you can use them. They need to finish at this point at 2.5”:
You may have your favorite way of making half square triangles (HST). I am going to show you how I made them for this blue/gray one. I also sometimes use paper and sew on paper using pre-printed sheets as found here. (Make sure you try ONE sheet before you go into full production!) I did my red/browns/golds ones that way as well. Any way you want to make your HST is fine with me. I am not selling rulers or templates, or papers, or ANYTHING. (Maybe someday someone will make pre-made HST for sale! I personally strongly dislike making them! - though I do like what they do in a quilt!)
I will show in pictures how I made these half square triangles using the “cut a square bigger and trimming it down after sewing down the middle method”.
I am going to have you cut 3.5” squares - if you wish to start smaller, that is FINE with me. Some people would rather start at 3”. But I will tell you using 3.5” squares.
For each size - you will be cut this many:
From dark grays and royal blues AND lighter grays/lighter blues - the same number of each. MIX and match among the darker colors and among the lighter. I did not count exactly, half grays and half blues, for example. Use what you have!
lap - cut 86 from blues/grays and 86 from light blues/grays
full - cut 133 from blues/grays and 133 from light blues/grays
queen - cut 144 from blues/grays and 144 from light blues/grays
Now, keep those HST separated by direction of pressed seams if you haven’t already mixed them up and bag them separately. (I figured you already did the work - just keep them apart if you can!)
You will need to make this many HST TOTAL for each size: You will need to have half pressed one way, and half pressed the other way.
lap - 172
full - 266
queen - 288
I bagged mine up and put everything in my big bag: This is what it looks like so far!
Now take a bow and take a rest! If you are making the bigger quilts - you have something to be proud of!
Come back next week!
Stay safe! Have a great day!
Oh…and read on down below to enter for the bag - the Polish floral bag!
For the Red/Brown/Gold quilt:
From your golden browns - not your super dark ones, but not your light ones, either. Make sure the color will stand out nicely against your lights.
Cut strips 1.5”x12.5”
lap - 16
full - 48
queen - 64
Put them in your plastic bag - we will not use them today. Just wanted you to cut them!
From darker browns and reds, cut 3.5” squares like this:
lap - 12 browns, 12 reds
full - 30 browns, 32 reds
queen - 40 browns, 40 reds
Put them in your plastic bag - we will not use them today. Just wanted you to cut them!
Make half square triangles (HST) from a combination of darker browns/reds and your creams/lighter tans. All you need here is contrast! If you have any “bonus “triangles that will work from what you made before, you can use them. They need to finish at this point at 2.5”:
You may have your favorite way of making half square triangles. I am going to show you one way to make them . I also sometimes use paper and sew on paper using pre-printed sheets as found here. I did my red/browns/golds ones that way as well. (Make sure you try ONE sheet before you go into full production!) Any way you want to make your HST is fine with me. I am not selling rulers or templates, or papers, or ANYTHING. (Maybe someday someone will make pre-made HST for sale! I personally strongly dislike making them! - though I do like what they do in a quilt!)
I will show in pictures how I made these half square triangles using the “cut a square bigger and trimming it down after sewing down the middle method”.
I am going to have you cut 3.5” squares - if you wish to start smaller, that is FINE with me. Some people would rather start at 3”. But I will tell you using 3.5” squares.
From browns/reds/golds and creams/light tans - the same number of each. MIX and match among the darker colors and among the lighter. I did not count exactly, Use what you have!
For each size - you will be cut this many from browns/reds/golds and creams, light tans::
lap - cut 86 from the darks and 86 from the lights
full - cut 133 from the darks and 133 from the lights
queen - cut 144 from the darks and 144 from the lights
Now, keep those HST separated by direction of pressed seams if you haven’t already mixed them up and bag them separately. (I figured you already did the work - just keep them apart if you can!)
I put them in separate zipper bags.
You will need to make this many HST TOTAL for each size: You will need to have half pressed one way, and half pressed the other way.
lap - 172 HST, with half pressed one direction, half the other
full - 266 HST with half pressed one direction, half the other
queen - 288 HST, with half pressed one direction, half the other
I bagged mine up and put everything in my big bag:
Now take a bow and take a rest! If you are making the bigger quilts - you have something to be proud of!
Come back next week!
Stay safe! Have a great day!
Oh…and read on down below to enter for the bag - the Polish floral bag
For a summary PDF of today’s clues, click on the photo below. A PDF should “pop up” for you.
If you want to go back and get all the clues, from week 1, go to this page. They are there.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!
Just for Fun! A Give-Away -
10 days straight excluding Sunday
Day 3
Look down below the row of fabrics for the question for the GIVE AWAY!!!
Yes, we are going to be having a drawing every day for 10 days (excluding Sunday)…your chance to win one of these bags - a reusable Polish folk design shopping bag. If you win, YOUR responsibility is to contact me. I will put a list up on May 11 at which time the winners need to send me your address via email at customerservice@quiltedtwins.com or PM me at Becky Tillman Petersen via Messenger.
Today’s question - you HAVE to answer in the comments below. If for some reason you can’t answer down there, send me an email to customerservice@quiltedtwins.com . There are a few people who don’t seem to have the comment box.
Please, put either your whole name or something distinctive - not just “Susan” or “Donna” or “Linda”. We seem to have a lot of people here with those first names. Thanks! If you don’t want to put your first and last name put your first name and two more letters.