Quilted Twins

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So....now that I've been here a few days - a couple of questions

The store was open this morning again. We don’t open the store to the public every day because we have to have space and time to work on on line orders. As a result, the store is open T/Th/Sat and they ship orders on M/W/F. That’s a general rule - and what they aim for. Obviously if they have extra groups come in, well, it might not work quite this way.

First of all, I am convinced - yes - Becky in Poland’s 24 hours are longer than Becky in the USA’s. No kidding! I’m sure of it. Some in the Facebook group suggested that it seemed like it. While I laughed at the idea then, let me assure you that after a couple of visits back to the USA, it does seem like it!

While here I’ve been asked these questions several times -

Do you like being back?”

Yes, I do. Naturally. This is where I spent my teen years and when I was home from college years. So, it’s home. It is also where my mom is, and currently, my sis and her family, and my oldest son, his wife, and my two grand-daughters. So, of course I like it.

“Do you want to stay here?”

Umm…not really. If I did, I probably wouldn’t have time to sew anymore. It’s a real struggle. I can see that many fabric or quilt shop owners do not have much time to sew and create. Their time is spent on marketing, helping other quilters sew and create and filling orders (in our case). So, while I want to enjoy the limited time I have here, at this point in my life, it’s not “my life”.

Thankfully, no one has asked, “What are you doing with yourself?”
Yesterday I spent some time helping my mom get to and from the eye doctor. She needed an eye exam in order to renew her license - and due to all the COVID issues at the driver’s license office, this seemed to be the best way to handle that. On top of that, I helped fill orders, return fabrics, wrote a blog post, bolted some fabric that needed it, folded more fat quarters for guilds, and sorted fabrics from a bunch that my sis bought a while ago. There’s lots more to do along those lines.

So there you are.

Add to the things that I’m doing, there’s the juggling act of spending time with family and taking care of business.

I think coming back talking with quilters in the shop, seeing what they are doing and hearing their interests and concerns is quite eye opening and keeps me grounded.

When your main source of contact with quilting is on line as mine is, at times it is easy to get caught up in the “on line” drama of various websites or bloggers.

The quilting world is so much bigger than all of that. I get the impression that many, many of the ladies who come in to the shop really don’t give a hoot about what drama is going on on line. Just let them sew! They are busy creating and giving! We’ve had so many people come in with the quilts they are making for gifts or for someone else! It’s actually very refreshing.

I do appreciate those of you who introduce yourself, though - those of you readers. Thanks for letting me know. it’s nice to know. I’ve asked several of you if you’ve ever commented, and the answer so far has been “no”. Interesting.

Thanks again!

Now, Ken and Rachael are setting up for another Ken and Rachael Show - so I’d best go see if they need any help at all!

Have a great day!

Be sure to check out what we have for you in the store.

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post