Quilted Twins

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Cultural: May 3 - Constitution Day

I’m posting this a day early since May 3 this year is a Sunday and I do Sunday Breaks on Sundays!

This is a repost of a previous written cultural post.

We have another holiday on May 3!  It's Constitution Day - celebrating the first constitution of Poland which was established in 1791. 

It’s not an official holiday, but May 2 is Flag Day!

This day, politically, is as important to the Polish people as July 4 is to Americans.

Because it falls in close proximity to May 1, Labor Day, Polish people, often tie together the two holidays by taking a vacation day in between. This year is strange, however, because of COVID-19. But it’s still called the “Majowy” weekend.

So how do they celebrate it?  

Practically speaking - by staying at home as all stores are closed, and having a grill, or bike riding, or taking a walk - depending on the weather. It's a very "low stress/low key" day.  Of course, in cities, there are parades - but we tend to stay away from all things political, so I've never gone into downtown Warsaw to watch one.

(I doubt there are parades today - this year -2020).

If you are intrigued by this historical day, here's the Wikipedia article about it.

We all have our flags out and the towns have flags lining the sidewalks and light poles.

And that's all for today!

Have a great one!



Don't forget - if you need something for your projects, be sure to check out the goodies my sis has for you! I'm sure she's got something you can use - and at a great price!

Just for Fun! A Give-Away -

10 days straight excluding Sunday

Day 4

Yes, we are going to be having a drawing every day for 10 days (excluding Sunday)…your chance to win one of these bags - a reusable Polish folk design shopping bag. If you win, YOUR responsibility is to contact me. I will put a list up on May 11 at which time the winners need to send me your address via email at customerservice@quiltedtwins.com or PM me at Becky Tillman Petersen via Messenger.

See this gallery in the original post

Today’s question - you HAVE to answer in the comments below. If for some reason you can’t answer down there, send me an email to customerservice@quiltedtwins.com . There are a few people who don’t seem to have the comment box.

Please, put either your whole name or something distinctive - not just “Susan” or “Donna” or “Linda”. We seem to have a lot of people here with those first names. Thanks! If you don’t want to put your first and last name put your first name and two more letters.

Answer this question:

What is your favorite type of project to make?

examples - (bed quilt, wall hanging, bags, table runner, lap quilt, clothes, quick and easy, detailed projects)