Quilted Twins

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Cultural: The Second Day of Christmas - December 26

I suppose this depends on who you talk to as to which day it is - as I’ve heard the 25th being referred to as the second day of Christmas by some - as they consider the 24th to be “Christmas”, but December 26 is YET another day to celebrate Christmas here. In England/the UK, it’s Boxing Day - where people help the poor. In Poland it is still a holiday.

This year, since the Polish holidays start on the afternoon of the 24th, this means that stores will be closed down from Thurs. afternoon until Monday morning, the 28th because Sunday the stores are pretty much closed to make sure the workers have a free day off with the families.

So what happens normally on the 26th?

From what I understand, this is often the day to visit “other” relatives - the ones that you didn’t get to see on the 24th and the 25th.

One time I asked an English student if they would ever like to just ‘stay home’ and celebrate in their own family without constantly traveling. I think the idea was pretty foreign to him - so he had to think about it. (I know it’s hard on mom when the kids are little and you are going from house to house - I still remember those days and how difficult it is for mom and the littles. Obviously it’s another story when the kids are older.)

This year, as you know, is different. They are not encouraging people travel. In fact, they say you are to limit your groups to 5 people other than your own family that lives with you all the time.

But I know many of our American friends are ALREADY considering taking down their Christmas tree!

No way does that happen here - it often just went up on the 24th or just a few days before that! That just isn’t long enough! Plus, they are going to be in the “Christmas mode” for quite a while - often til the end of January.

Since normally all stores are closed today - well, it’s just a day to relax and get ready for the new “after Christmas” week.

Often times people start taking a trip today - the one that goes between Christmas and New Year’s. However, once again…this year is different. In Poland, they’ve shut down the ski resorts and all hotels, etc. So, there is no point in traveling unless you have family or friends to stay with!

I did buy one new hand blown/painted ornament this year - by the way.

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I’ll add it the post about ornaments, but here it is. I actually bought it when we went shopping a couple of weeks ago - for all the Noble packages.

I can hardly believe I can get such a pretty, hand painted ornament made in Poland for just over $5.

Isn’t it pretty?

side 2

As you know…my husband and I are here without any family members, so our Christmas has been quiet. But honestly…that’s fine. I had time to quilt a small lap quilt on Christmas day in the evening - and write this blog post! And I talked to my mom and our youngest son! I had contact with others as well - well, at least lately. Everyone is doing their own thing.

In the future, we could have other “people without family” over, but this year…they are really frowning on that.

In fact, starting Monday here in Poland we are going back to March restrictions - until Jan. 17. The malls are closing down except for the supermarkets and pharmacies, and other ‘necessary’ places. It’s all so weird. Our numbers in Poland for COVID are down - but they are treating it as if we aren’t down. Maybe they are expecting and uptick after all the Christmas activities.

Anyway…maybe tomorrow I can bind that little lap quilt I finished today and get the next little one sandwiched and quilted. :) I’d like to finish up several I have in my dining room, just waiting to be finished. Plus, I was able to get back to piecing again! I’ve got a few projects back …getting back in the groove. It was nice to be able to just piece and create again!

our tree - with the lights on

our tree - with only the lights of the tree

But in the minds of the Polish people - it’s still a holiday! They are used to this much time to celebrate. They also have the Monday after Easter off - so they call it Easter Monday…it’s normal for them to get two days off for these major holidays.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

You can get this growth chart here.

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