"Loose Change" - taking a detour from the geometrics
There are times I find myself frustrated at myself. Why? Because I have some fabrics in my sewing room that I really love but haven’t used up. Instead, I keep reaching for my scraps or upcycleds. I decided suddenly a few days ago to use up this bundle pack that my sis gave me. I loved it - and I wanted to work with it! I was tired of looking at it and wishing I had time to use it.
It’s Riley Blake’s Five and Dime bundle pack that my sis had a few months ago.
It was very popular. She had a few different variations of it but I asked for one of them and so they saved one for me! (Thank you!)
It’s 74”x 88”.
The only thing I added to this pack was the white. I was just in the mood for something “sweet and light”.
I am not sure what I think.
Oh, I LIKE it…but it was so easy and everything is so perfectly matchy matchy… Possibly it’s a bit on the boring side?
Well, maybe not.
The colors— I do like.
I’ve heard that it is good to change out 10% of a matched set of fabrics - meaning I should have taken out one of the fabrics and put in a different one as I had 10 half yard pieces. but I didn’t do that. I used what I had - it was part of the challenge.
Plus, I wanted to make up a pattern that my sis can suggest for other “sweet packs” of this kind of fabric— (but not only - would work with any of the 10 piece half yard packs).
I will add that I do have enough left for binding with these fabrics, but that’s about it. I may save everything that is leftover and put it on the backing -but there won’t be too much.
Riley Blake makes such nice fabric and since I live over here in Poland, I really haven’t had as much of a chance to use it as you might think.
Rachael carries a lot of it, and if you ever do order it, you won’t be disappointed with it. It has a nice feel to it
I may say something such as “It’s boring”, but I really do like it. These are the colors I grew up loving. Quilting has definitely expanded my “colors I love” category…but these pastels are what I am drawn to naturally.
I’ll get the pattern up when I quilt this one. Hopefully it won’t be too long. I already have a pattern called Sweetness and Light, so unless I call it Sweetness and Light 2 - any name suggestions are welcome!
I trust you have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!