Quilted Twins

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Cultural: We are in a "red zone"

I’ve really stayed away from the tiresome COVID-19 discussion here.

However, in the last couple of weeks, they have declared our county to be a “red zone” and we have special restrictions on us. (There are three colors - green, yellow and red, with red being the worst.)

I thought I’d share them with you. This is not “COUNTRY wide” - it is “County wide”. I am not sure how they are deciding what is red and what is yellow. It does have to do with the number of cases of COVID in our area.

This is what we are supposed to abide by.

  1. Wear masks in public - which means nose and mouth covered. Everywhere in public - on your own property, not necessary.

  2. Stores that have more than 100 square meters are to limit their customers to 5 per 1 cashier. If more than 100 square meters, 1 person per 15 square meters of the store.

  3. Restaurants only are open between 6 am and 9 pm for dining inside. Otherwise, it’s drive through. They have a certain number of people who can be in the restaurant per square foot but this time around I’ve not seen anyone counting.

  4. Public transport - only 50% of the seats can be filled

  5. They are giving from 10 am-12pm open for seniors 60 and over. They are asking the rest of the people to stay out of the stores. I’m not sure how they are enforcing it.

  6. From Saturday October 17th - universities and high schools are on line only

  7. There is a ban on family gatherings and wedding receptions

  8. Religious ceremonies may be attended by max. 1 person per 7 square meters. (Doesn’t count the pastor and others leading the service)

  9. A maximum of 10 people may participate in public gatherings.

  10. Sporting events are held without an audience.

  11. Cultural events – 25% of the available seats.

  12. Swimming pools, aquaparks, and gyms are CLOSED.

Polish national stadium

There are other regulations, but in general, they are just asking people to stay at home if they don’t need to go out. We are having way more cases here on a daily basis than back in March/April - back then they had 200-300 new cases a day - but lately they are having 7000-8000. Of course, the obvious thing is that they are now doing many more tests every day.

They are turning our national stadium into a field hospital of sorts. Soon.

I’m bringing this up because Poland has HUGE holiday coming up on November 1 - All Saint’s Day. Traditionally Polish people go to the cemeteries and clean the graves of their loved ones who have have passed away. It is also a place where traditionally people meet their relatives AT the GRAVESITE and talk about their beloved dead loved ones with their current living ones. They reminisce in groups and often for hours. It’s very crowded then. I’ve shown pictures here in this blog post.

This year the prime minister has asked that people not do that. I will be VERY curious to see if it helps. Polish people are a people of tradition and getting them to break it is very difficult.

One of the head doctors was so distressed over the idea of All Saint’s Day and the tradition of everyone going to the graves that she said instead of 8000 new cases a day, a week after Nov 1 (All Saint’s Day), she’s afraid we will be looking at 20 or 30,000 new cases a day.

I’ll keep you posted (but not too much) as I think we all have “Covid Fatigue” - I know I do, and it has nothing to do with a real disease and everything to do with overexposure of our ears to the word COVID.

But this whole thing has continued to affect our lives.

My husband fits in the over 60 age so he can shop between 10 and 12 - which is pretty nice as it is a very good time to shop here in Poland. They are trying hard not to actually shut down malls and other shopping places or other things. They have come down hard on some things. Otherwise, all this situation is a perfect excuse for me to not feel like I “must” go out.

So I stay home and sew!!! Yep. I sewed and cut a lot today.

I trust you have a good day - wherever you are reading this!

If you need something in the realm of fabric - check out what we have here.

Have you seen this amazing Autumn Big Dream Leaf Quilt Panel? It’s here!

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