Quilted Twins

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I waited too long!

I started ordering fabric from the wholesale place last Friday. Normally it comes in two days from the time I order/pay. However, this time, I wasn’t able to get the final order in until Monday morning at which time I was hoping for an email back within a couple of hours with an invoice. They got the official invoice back to me on Tuesday which I paid immediately on line, but it was too late to ship on Tuesday as the bank won’t send confirmation til the evening. (sigh!). I was told they would ship on Wednesday which should have meant I should have gotten the fabric today (Thursday).

I did not.

I was planning on taking today’s blog post and showing you my goodies and being very grateful.

However, that didn’t happen. It is coming by courier, and while I stayed close by so I would be here, it didn’t arrive. That should mean it will be here Friday!

We will see. I can hope!

I need it.

I wrote that I waited too long because I had it timed perfectly so I would be getting it so I could sandwich more quilts right when I ran out of my other backing fabric - I’m trying to sandwich 3 a day (or more).

Oh well. Live and learn. I will sandwich queen size ones until I get it. I have at least 9 backings ready for that and I can get going on them.

In the meantime, here’s my pile of quilted ones. Not bound yet.

I’m just not in the mood to stop quilting and start binding.

There are 58 quilted here. Yeah! Almost to the magic “60” (the official halfway point).

I don’t know how many I’ve got sandwiched.

I stopped and counted.


I know, I’m supposed to spell that out!

They are starting to be spread all over. I have 1 quilt in my sewing room and 4 smaller piles downstairs.

This project is marching right along for which I’m grateful. I love the look of all the quilted quilts. Each one gives me a mini adrenalin rush which gets even bigger when I get each one bound. In other words, I’m getting a little boost from my own body every time I finish one - so don’t worry about me!

The quilt draped over the chair that the charity quilts with the backing in red/white/black/blue “football” is a Cathedral Windows quilt I made by hand back in 2007 - before I discovered all the quilting forums on line.

I also ran into some problems with my Janome 8900 last Saturday.

This beautiful top was donated to me by one of you all. It is so nice!!! I quilted it with loops. The colors are luscious! The black cat on top is our ‘old’ cat - he’s 15.5 years old.

It hadn’t been to the shop in almost two years, so I packed it back up and sent to it to the repair place. It suddenly decided that the bobbin thread wouldn’t tighten and was a mess - whereas 15 min. before it was fine. Rather than struggle with it longer than I already did (changed thread, bobbins, needles), I packed it up and sent it back for repair/deep cleaning on Monday morning. It was needing to go back anyway, as it seemed like there was starting to be too much play in the bobbin holder/bobbin area - too much movement.

In the meantime, I pulled my Janome 12000 out and am using it for quilting.

I had had it set up for embroidery but it works fine for quilting as well. It has a different feel to it and uses the hopper foot for FMQ, so it feels quite different than the 8900 which is what I normally use.

(I’m not associated with Janome, BTW- don’t consider this an advertisement as I get nothing from them!)

I am more used to the 8900 for quilting, obviously as I used it all last year and this year for quilting, but hopefully this one will continue to work without problems for me til I get it back.

Anyway, my hope is that the fabric will come Friday. The best thing about something not coming the day when you think it will, it means that it is one day closer to coming!


That’s how I look at it, anyway.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

If you need some fabric, be sure to check out what we have in the store.

Here’s a cute fabric here by Bemartex. It’s only $5.99/yard.

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