Quilted Twins

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5 Reasons why People Quilt

I’ve been thinking about this topic lately. I considered why various people quilt.

We aren’t all quilting for the same reason! Of that I am certain!

As I began reflecting on WHY people quilt - this is what I came up with.

  1. To express creativity. Hugh McLeoad is attributed this quote:

    “Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the 'creative bug' is just a wee voice telling you, 'I'd like my crayons back, please.”

  2. To make something to fill a need - practical or pretty. For example - you or your family member needs a bedcovering. You make it. Maybe you have a blank spot on the wall and you want to make something to cover that spot. You do. This is different than the creative one because you may or not actually be creative - you are simply doing something that needs to be done - like fixing dinner or taking a shower.

  3. To relieve stress. Some people exercise. Some people clean. Some people get angry and swear and holler and punch things. Some people drink. Some people quilt and/or craft/paint, etc. as a way to relieve the stresses of life.

  4. To earn a living. A few people actually started quilting with the end goal of making a living at it. I don’t actually think “most” people went into it as a way to make a living, however. I think for most of those, they sort of “fall into” that - because people who saw their work began asking them to make them something (or quilt something) - until they realized they could earn a living with it.

  5. To maintain a family tradition. Some people quilt because it is in their family’s history or blood. They might not otherwise have chosen to quilt but their mom or grandma (or both) were quilters and they were more or less destined to do so as well. There are some big names in the quilting industry that appear to quilt because it they continuing family tradition.

So…why do YOU quilt? Is it one of these reasons or something different entirely?

I can add to this blog post - just need to know from other people as to why they quilt - especially if there are other reasons. Just let me know in the comments.

Oh…so as to why I quilt? I started out with reason number 2 - to meet a need. It’s morphed into mostly number 1, however!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

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