Quilted Twins

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Cultural: March/April weather in Poland

Most of you realize my family is based in Florida. Florida has pretty much 2 seasons - “cooler” and “hot”.

Here in Poland, that’s not true.

We have four seasons as many of you have as well. However, this post is specifically about March and April.

We normally have to heat from October through part of April. That’s 7 months of the year. And I don’t mind. Not really. It really makes it worthwhile to make quilts! They are actually quite handy things to own. And having more than one is a great thing!

Here in Poland we have a couple of sayings about the weather this time of year.

In March the one that comes to mind is “W marcu jak w garncu”

This means that the weather in March is as in a pot - a little bit of everything.

We have had some warm weather - and I’m showing you a screen shot of what will be much warmer this week. We also did have snow a while ago now but we are approaching the end of the month and we have not gotten much precipitation at all! We usually have an average of 1” during March which seems such a tiny amount to me coming from FL. :) But our yearly average is only about 20”, so not really a whole lot. It is lots if you are from Arizona, though!

Then, they have one about weather in April.

It is - “kwiecień plecień, bo przeplata trochę zimy, trochę lata”

This means - April is a braid - intertwined is a little winter and a little summer.

So, we can have some beautiful days that are warm and then two days later, snow. The latest I remember it snowing was April 15 one year - since we’ve been here which means, since October, 1994.

Our last “frost date” is May 10th or the 15th, depending on who you ask. Early in my time here as I was gardening, however, I lost all my zucchini and pumpkins on May 31 one year due to a frost. So, it’s all relative. In the last few years, however, it’s been getting warmer, generally, a little earlier. But to be safe, they don’t recommend planting plants that can’t handle frost til after May 10.

What it means is that we do want to know what the weather is going to be and it is something we can actually talk about and it applies to our lives.

In Florida the question tends to be, “Will there be rain today?” But not, “Is it going to be hot?” once the warm weather come It might be hotter one day than the other, but generally speaking, it’s “dress for summer”. :)

And now you know. I love living here where it is actually cool/cold part of the year. It does encourage me in my quilt making as I do see quilts as a very practical item for people. And I am, if nothing else, practical!

I had originally planned to write up something else for today, but it will have to wait.

I have been thinking about this topic lately anyway!

And thanks for coming along with me today!

Oh…if you know…what’s your “last frost date” where you live?

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

This amazing panel can be purchased here.

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