Quilted Twins

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Another set of Gifts!

I know. I’ve been showing you what all the goodies I’ve been getting lately - in the last couple of months. It’s been great!

I had a lady come by a little while ago now and pick up something I was giving her and she had a bag of goodies for me! Actually two bags!

Let me show you!

First of all, an IKEA curtain set - the bright fabric is all cotton and the taupe fabric is a black out curtain - or the remains of it.

Then I got a couple of shirts

A piece of fabric that feels like minky - not entirely sure what it is made from

and some bedding!

It’s all useful but I’m very tickled to get the book of samples.

It’s all cotton and I’m subdividing the pieces by color groups.

I’ve already decided to leave the pieces big and make it a 3x4 layout and leave them alone. Since these fabrics are a bit on the thick side, we can use them big. I’ve made a quilt out of these in the past - here’s one.

I know that some of you wonder why I’m bothering to mention it when I am given things.

Let me explain.

When we were first in Poland (1994) - no one gave me anything. After all, we were the Americans - why should I be given anything - after all, All Americans are RICH! So, instead of ever being offered anything, we were more or less looked at as the deep pockets. We were looked at as those “Americans”.

And that was a bit difficult to deal with. Not only was it not true, but we had no family around who might normally help with things. I found that something like a baby stroller was crazy expensive - and when making some discreet inquiries, I learned that often grandma would spend that $300-400 for that first baby stroller. I was just left in sticker shock over the prices and we just went without.

The first time a lady gave me a set of baby onesies for my newest child, I just cried. It had been a few years that we had been in Poland and she was the first one - and it struck me as so sweet - I broke down and cried. I know she must have thought I was nuts. That particular lady has gone on to glory (this year - COVID), so maybe now she knows better “why” I sobbed.

Do you all remember the song, “There are no cats in America” which is sung on the American Tale? Let link it here. To think that the mice had heard that there we no cats in America? Hilarious!

Back when - when communism first came down in these countries, the impression that people had of Americans was from the movies.

Well, you know how that goes. It’s hardly a fair representation of you and me! Of course, that was years and years ago now but I know that for many, especially people who haven’t travelled, this image still exists. You Tube really has helped dispel a lot of that, however, to anyone who might care to educate himself/herself.

Anyway, when someone gives me something - to me it represents acceptance. And I appreciate every.single.gift - big or small!

And now you know why I have been showing these wonderful gifts I’ve been getting lately!

I know - that last bit - that was a bit of my heart. Take it for what it is.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

You can get this gorgeous Red Poppies panel by Elizabeth’s Studios here.

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