Quilted Twins

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Another question for you!

Here’s one for you.

What has quilting taught you about yourself?

I’ll start.

I used to think I disliked brown. My dad was very much into brown and I thought it was an awfully boring color. BUT, quilting has exposed me to the wonderful beauty of brown! Now I can honestly say that while I may naturally gravitate to some colors, I believe I could make a quilt from ANY color combination and enjoy it. So…I’ve learned that I no longer think that ANY color is “blah”.

OK…it’s your turn. What has quilting taught you about yourself?

One thing?

Two things? More?

That’s fine. Let’s hear it!

I’m writing this on Thanksgiving evening. I literally spent the day doing Thanksgiving dinner - and cleaning up ahead of it (I had managed to make a mess on our table again - fabric related, of course) - and afterwards - cleaning up from the big turkey we were blessed to be able to find. Not one moment of sewing today. Sadly.

So, let’s hear from you! Tell us in the comments….I’d love to hear what you’ve learned about yourself through quilting.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

Get this amazing Call of the Wild swans panel here! Only $12!

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