Quilted Twins

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Another Round - Part 5

I did a bit of sewing this morning - working on another pink and green quilt top - but I’ll let that one be a surprise and show it when I get ready. I’m not even close to being ready at the moment!

One thing I did last night was take on Family 5 for Noble Packages - it’s a brother/sister combination.

So, that’s a bit unusual, isn’t it? Yes, it is, but what made my heart break is that it is a 20 year-old brother AND a 17 year-old sister. The mom left the 18 year-old brother in charge of his 15 year-old sis two years ago to find work in another country during the pandemic, which seems odd to me. No word of a father in the picture.

Amazing, huh? Whose heart wouldn’t go out to struggling young adults in a country like Poland? Mine did.

In the USA it is far more common to see kids move out of the house at 18. Here in Poland? Absolutely not at all common - not in normal families anyway. Jobs normally just don’t pay enough for the young ones to pay for the costs of keeping up a household.

Most teens who finish school aren’t quite ready to get up and support a family or even a sibling at such a young age - but apparently this young man is rising to the challenge - though having to put his own dreams of further education (in IT or something computer related) on hold for now. The sis is still in high school. Without knowing more, I decided that these kids need help. I signed up for them. I am mostly done with the other 4 families, anyway, so I have more money so that we should be able to help them.

They need everything from a driving course (Here you can’t just learn to drive for free -you have to take a course), to a vacuum cleaner, some clothes, shoes, and other kinds of necessary items.

Since I am working on completely finishing up the other 4 families - hopefully the day you read this - so I can just turn my focus on these two young people.

The easy thing about these kids is that since they have had so little, they aren’t particularly picky AND they don’t have special food requirements. They just need an infusion of everything! I’ll take ideas down below in the comments for easy foods teens like to fix. (Maybe things like Ramen noodles and peanut butter as well as the normal suggestions that are already on my list.) Polish teens aren’t that different from American teens.

As I considered my own children at this age, it was my twin sis (Rachael) and her husband (Ken) who stepped up and let my kids crash at her house and be young adults on their way to self-sustaining a bit more gradually than these young people have had to be.

I did understand that the mom has sent back money to help them with the rent and apartment expenses - but not completely as apparently she at one point asked her son to borrow money in order to help her. I’m not sure what to think and I’m trying to reserve judgement, naturally, as I certainly don’t know the whole story.

But…WE - meaning all of you who have given to this project - are going to help these young people. We can give these young people some financial and physical help with necessary items that young people need as they start out in life.

As I reflect on our American Thanksgiving Day - I have so much to be thankful for - how can I not help but be grateful for all I have been given? Even when things were tight, we have always had family to help and support us.

So…here goes to the next couple of weeks on focusing on helping two young people who need some care and love and groceries in their lives! :)

If you want to help as well - you can. If that is something you want to do, you can donate using this button.

See this donate button in the original post

I’m going to put the write up here below so you can see for yourself their needs. Maybe it will touch your heart as it did mine.

So…as I work tomorrow (the day you read this) on preparing for our Thanksgiving Day dinner - I work with a grateful heart. But that’s for the Thanksgiving Day post. Be sure to come back tomorrow for a few minutes. I know most of us are very busy on that day!

Again - thanks for reading!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

This beautiful panel is called Sunset on Water - by Timeless Treasures. Only $9!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

See this content in the original post