Quilted Twins

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2021 Charity quilts #31-40

Here are the next 10 quilts!

As you may have figured out, the first pastel one and the gorgeous star one (on black) were tops donated by one of you all! Wow. Just wow. My husband even noticed and admired!

I so appreciate you who have given me tops!!!

Thanks so much!

Now I’m 1/3 done as these quilts were put in the church building. 40/120 for the year are finished completely.

I’m in the middle of the remaining 80. That sounds bad, doesn’t it? Actually as I type these words, the next ten are finished - just have to be washed. That leaves only 70. Of those 70, 35 big ones are quilted but not bound, so that leaves only about 15 more big ones and 20 more small ones. Maybe that helps. It helps me, because I’m plugging away at the big ones at one a day and the little ones on days I don’t have things like binding to do, I’m trying to knock out 2 a day of the quilting.

Isn’t that pile looking nice?

Here are how many are in those piles! I am doing my best to keep up with the numbers here.

On the day of the big Give-Away, hopefully in October, obviously I won’t worry about it. I will know how many I have and I will just count how many I have left at the end.

I had recently bought two bolts of batting and left one in the van while I worked on using the other one.

I did bring it into the house today as I need it - but they are space hoggy and I didn’t want an extra bolt sitting in the living room along with a couple of piles of quilts. You get the picture, I think.

These quilts are so pretty! You can see here that I’m partial to stripes for bindings

And there you are - 10 more quilts! If I planned on 10 per month, I’m caught up to April, 2021! :)

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

This panel by Elizabeth’s Studio is stunning! Check it out here!

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