Quilted Twins

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Another "find" in my sewing Room

When I decided to completely take everything out of my cabinets and organize what I had, I found this started top. In fact, like several of these things I found, it was mostly done.

I didn’t quite have enough blocks, so I scrounged around and found more of the same light gray (!) and black and raided my cats fabrics and made enough blocks to make a couple more rows on this quilt. (Once again, I don’t know why I hadn’t just FINISHED it up before!) I had 5 rows done, I think. I had most of the other blocks done, though. However, I did end up making a few more blocks.

I’m thinking of saving it for this coming Christmas and putting it in the auction that they have for handicapped or sick children in our area - they take the money they raise and give it to local families (for rehab mostly for which they have to pay out of pocket). Since it is small, it didn’t take a lot of my time, so when it doesn’t get much $$, I won’t be disappointed as if I had made a queen size quilt.

Anyway - you all are being inundated with all of these super simple tops I started a few years back now and then put away - never to be thought about again - until I dug them out.

I just told myself, “Get these things out of here! Get them made into tops.” Somehow once they are tops, I feel very differently about them - as it is only a little bit of time of concentrated work until it can be a quilt.

I don’t know why I lost interest in this - maybe it’s the size. Maybe it was too small for me to know what to do with when I finished it.

I didn’t want to make this one into a regular charity quilt - but donating it to the auction would be great. Last year they asked me but I had to say regretfully “No” - I just had no time or energy by that part of the year (late October/early November). So this year I need to work ahead. The lady who asked me told me that my two quilts in ‘21 had caused quite a ‘furor’ (stir) in the display. So I sadly told her I just couldn’t. (I may have been able to take from what I already had or something super simple, but whatever I give, it needs to have crowd appeal. For cat lovers, I think this one has at least “some crowd appeal”.)

OK - I’ll say it. The border - I did it anyway. My youngest son, for his wedding, had the guys wear gray suits and BROWN shoes. He is pretty much ‘into’ fashion. I decided if they can do that, then I can put this border on this light gray background! LOL I really don’t have that much cat fabric as yardage, so I didn’t have a lot to choose from.

Oh - in the far past I have made a few like this but with florals for charity - but decided until I actually get caught up with tops for charity that I have, I’m not making more of this design - although it is a great way to use up florals! It is a very popular design and one lady who was a little more, shall I say…sophisticated… examined it and examined it and then chose one. It was humorous to watch her look at it. I think she was trying to figure out how I made it. Most people aren’t actually that curious - they just find one they like and take it! :)

Anyway, this top ended up being 49”x70”. It’s kind of long and skinny. but it’s fine for a lap quilt.

And that’s it for today.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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