Quilted Twins

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Yet Another Ten Tops!

I was able to finish up these ten more tops for the charity quilts project.

I’m starting to branch out and get some other things done (besides these tops) which you must have noticed by now.

As you know, I uncovered a lot of things in my “going through the stuff in my sewing room”. So, while I’m still wanting to get those charity tops done, I’m slowing down on finishing the tops. I am not putting it all on hold though, as those big bags of tops with their cut borders in the center await my attention (I now have 6 bags- used to have 7 or 8). And truthfully, doing one or two tops a day doesn’t hurt me. If I would just be consistent about it, before you know, those bags would be gone. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but in a month or so they’d be all finished.

Thankfully baseball season is back and I am sitting in my sewing room listening to games. It keeps me going sometimes when I’d rather stop sewing. But if, say the game is in the 7th inning, I just tell myself…just work on those charity quilts for a couple of innings until the game is finished.

Anyway, here are the next ten. I know this kind of blog post isn’t very exciting, but each of these posts like this tend to repres

First I sew on the borders, then I have to do a press - and then photos and then fold them back up and last, take them down to the long arm room.

However, I think, with few exceptions, any more I do will not go to that room as I have taken plenty down there already and really have no more room in there without making it hard to move around. Instead, I will take them to the room at the church where I keep the finished quilts. I just can’t keep filling up available space in either my sewing room or longarm room with tops. They can stay in the room at the church where they will not be in anyone’s way until need them. And yes, I have taken tops out of that room to bring home to quilt. :) They do not go there to be forgotten.

Don’t forget - you need to click on the arrow to go to the next top.

I think all of these centers were made by Fran - from Arizona. Well, not the little pillow panel one, but all the rest were by her.

And there you are - not a very exciting post - but a good one that will help me move my goals forward. Once I get all these 10 top posts done, you won’t see more of these - and then you will see 10 charity quilts at a time posts.

I recently gave away 12 charity quilts (about a week ago) - here is the lady with her stack of quilts - she gives them to local people she watches out for. I know it’s not that great of a photo - but I just need it for my own records. I’ve taken plenty of this lady before - so I was more focused on trying to get the quilts themselves. She is holding some, but there are some in the vehicle as well.

And that’s what it is about - helping those who are need help. We are glad to see these make their way to needy people here in Poland.

And thanks, all of you who help!

Your words of encouragement - even just reading these posts is a simple way to encourage me.

I know sometimes it feels like my life isn’t all that exciting - isn’t that how we all feel? But that’s fine. I do okay with normalcy. I don’t really need a lot of drama in my life. I think I’ve had quite a lot already starting with a week after we were married when I totaled our truck and trailer a week after we were married - driving while down the freeway near Paducah, KY! That was enough for a lifetime, IMO. But that’s not all I’ve had. That’s not what this is about - so we shall move on.

But, just to say…that’s all for now - have a great day wherever you are reading!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

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