Quilted Twins

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So How is My August Challenge going?

I’ve been updating you every day with where I stand on how many quilts I have left to quilt from this project.

I told you I was going to try to do 3 quilts a day. And so I have been.

However, I do want a day off - on Sundays, so I am going to try to make up ahead of time for taking Sunday off. I find I need that. So, It’s either finish 4 on 3 different days or just do 3 quilts plus half of the next one and then leave it on the frame.

I am sort of inclined to do the latter - but I didn’t decide to do it this way until after I had already done three on a couple of days.

So, I did 4 on 3 different days this past week.


It’ s not actually the quilting that I’m finding hard - it’s the setting them up on the machine. Doing four in one day is….not so fun.

Then on Friday afternoon I went and bought another roll of batting. I decided that other than the machine failing me, running out of batting would really make me unable to reach this goal. (Well, other things could as well like health, natural disaster, losing power, etc.)

But when I bought the roll of batting, I talked to the lady at the wholesale place and she said she has plenty as she has another customer who wanted a lot. So, that’s a relief. Otherwise, I’d need to order it. I’d rather support my local supplier.

Here’s my current pile of quilts before I’ve trimmed any of them. I am going to try to trim up at at least every week so I don’t have to trim 90 at one time. Ideally I’d be doing it daily, but it’s been warm the last few days so I’ve not wanted to even touch the batting.

Obviously this project is one full week finished. I will continue to do this. It is taking a lot of concentration - but I am going to be very glad to be done when I do get it done! Obviously I’ve got a long way to go, but from my other years I know that if I just keep doing 3 or 4 a day, I will come to the end. So, just one step in front of the other.

I have used up several of my bags of already prepared tops. When I use up the bags, I will then begin to work on the green tub that is under the long arm.

The big green tub is full of tops with backings already folded together.

Then I can work on the bookcase.

Then I can work on the area under the desk.

Then I will begin to feel a little less stressed because I simply had too much in the room!

I have quite a few of my own tops I want to work on, but have been feeling the pressure of needing/wanting to get the charity quilts done - or at least get going on them! As I work on them, and as each one comes off the machine, I do get a little bit of a ‘happy sigh- glad this one is done - will be super nice when it’s bound’ feeling. I know that when I am all done - it is amazing to have them ready to be given away! There is such a feeling of satisfaction - of having met a goal.

There’s a verse in Proverbs that I memorized a long time ago - well, it wasn’t very hard to memorize - I just remembered it. “The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul”. (Prov. 13:19) And so it is.

So there you are.

I’ve been heading to the long arm room right after breakfast. I just find if I can get going right at 8 am I am much better off. If I put it off til later - it just feels like it takes a long, long time.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

I have 69 Quilts left in this “Quilt 90 charity quilts in 31 days Challenge.

Sadly, I have trimmed 0 so far. :(

Hopefully that will change soon.

But thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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