Quilted Twins

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Under-Appreciated Fabrics for December

I try to feature under appreciated fabrics each month for Quilted Twins customers. Sometimes we have so much in the store that people don’t really ‘see” what amazing fabrics we have.

So I try to ask the ladies that work in the store if they can give me their suggestions. They see the fabric up close and personal and notice what people are buying and what they are passing over.

Things have been pretty crazy among the ladies at the store lately, but I asked anyway.

Sarah gave me several that she thought YOU should know about it.

If you are interested in any one of these - just click on the photo. It should take you to the fabric.

Jessica is busy at home with her baby and trying to recover from giving birth.

Others are dealing with their own crises.

I’ve also got some beautiful fabrics that I consider under-appreciated for you!

I tend to like the nature prints, anyway.

Here are some more that I’ve found.

Rachael gave me some. These are some that she thinks you should be aware of.

Rachael wanted me to point out that the last one shown is from the Little House on the Prairie line of fabrics which are hard to find now!

I hope there is something here that you can use!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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