Quilted Twins

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The Last of the Strips Tops Recently Finished!

I finally got he last five tops pressed and ready for photos.

Once again - these are the ones that are made from the rolls of strips that Ewa brought me a while ago now. I am so glad to have these all finished now! If I do get more pretty soon, I will just take them to the upper room at the church and wait for a bunch more to finish up. For now, 55 tops is enough of this one style.

Here they are.

Then I wanted to share with you the WHOLE collection of tops. I thought it would be impressive all laid out on the floor.

Here are 55 tops!!

Yes, That is 55 tops! That’s almost half of the yearly allottment of 120 tops that I try to finish up for charity! That’s really crazy if I think about it.

Each of these piles has 5 tops in it.

Tuq decided to get on my piles as soon as I made them.

I will now take them to the church to put in the room upstairs where I have tops and incomplete tops .

I had had 237 tops ready to go in that room….if I remember right.

So if we add 55 tops to that - that makes 292 ready to go tops! Just wow.

But I really wanted to get these in that room before I start taking them out!

I actually did get them all taken to the church building on Sunday. The guys took the bags upstairs and put them in the room. I had a lot of bags of tops - once again! I needed to get them out of the living room as I want to make room for our Christmas tree!

I now only have one box of unsorted and organized tops here at the house. Soon I should have that one photographed and also taken to the church.


Have a great day wherever you are reading t his!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

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