Quilted Twins

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Heat Wave is Here

Europe is in the middle of a heat wave. Well, maybe today (Tuesday) we are through the worst.

I know that many of you live in areas where it is plain hot in the summer!

The biggest difference is that most people in our part of Europe do not have air conditioning. They don’t really know how to deal with it. Well, we are all learning, aren’t we?

Air conditioning is definitely getting more popular now than it ever used to be.

I’m writing this on Sunday where we had a high of over 91F. At 6 pm it was 91F. (When I started this post.)

My husband gets back today (Tuesday). I can’t say I did all that much while he’s been gone.

For part of the time he was gone I struggled with some sort of stomach virus, I believe, which kind of knocked me out for a few days.

I’ve also spent quite a bit of time working in the garden - trying to tame weeds. Naturally they don’t understand how to be tamed. The more the weather is nice for growing veggies - well, they weeds grow too!

We are running three fans pretty much every night trying to cool it off - once the night temps cool down completely (which is usually morning about 5 am) I can go open the door downstairs and let air flow through the house. We can leave it open until about 8 am and then need to close up.

Unlike Florida, where being hot in July is the norm and the only thing that actually makes the headlines is a hurricane in midsummer weather wise - here we are not used to this weather. It just isn’t normal. It is what everyone is talking about.

Monday the rain cooled things down. Here we don’t tend to have much lightning and thunder - but we do have it from time to time. As long as I’m inside, naturally, it makes me think of Florida - my home. As such, I do like it!

So this made me think - “I wonder what weather related fabrics does Quilted Twins have?

So I began a search, and found these amazing fabrics. I’ll show the picture and then link it to the listing if you click on the fabric. I’m also putting the price.

Maybe some of these weather fabrics would be handy in an upcoming project. For sure the $6.99/yard ones are a steal! Check them out!

Thanks again so much for coming along with me on this journey!

I trust no matter where you live or how cold or not it is, you are having a great day!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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