Quilted Twins

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Cultural: Elections in Poland

We are going to have a general election here in Poland on October 15.

Right now the ruling party is something that is called PiS and the biggest opposition party is PO.

And that’s about as much as I get involved in politics here in Poland. :)

It means Civil Platform

It means law and justice

In general, from what I understand, most people around me want the PO party to win, but they haven’t won now for several years. It is the more liberal party - and the PiS party is the one that is more closely tied with the Roman Catholic church.

I do tend to stay out of politics in Poland. Obviously I’m not a citizen, nor do I spend a lot of time going deep into the issues. I have no control - nor can I vote, obviously.

Three good things in general about it, however.

  • Instead of 2 years of banner, posters, and various billboards, they don’t put posters up all that early for elections here. It’s a blessing. In the US, I get so tired of all the politicizing - a good 2 years before a given election and we are all sick of it already.

  • They say that you can’t talk about politics within 24 hours of the election. I’m not sure how in this day and age that is enforced, with various chat groups, Facebook and IG and everything else out there. But that’s what “they” say. In other words, no one is standing outside the voting places holding signs or giving out pins.

Otherwise - I’m not sure. I pray that Poland stays a strong company. I’d like to think we will continue to have freedom of religion and freedom in general. I have no really strong opinion about either party. As I’ve said, I’ve not read enough about politics - though I do open a Polish news website each day to get the headlines and read the major stories.

  • I’ve actually seen people on posters who are running that I know who they are from our town - Jozefow. That’s cool!

And there you go. Elections here seem to be a very last minute flurry of activity - at least by comparison to the states’ long, drawn out things. Before I even know it, it will be over and done.

And whoever wins, most people will complain. Or at least that is how it seems.

We have a neighbor lady who loves to talk politics - she loves talking about them as much as I dislike talking/listening to them. I just feel very “down” after a good hour of complaining. It really harms my psyche. I know that God is in ultimate control - and nothing can happen unless He allows it. I refuse to fret and complain and frankly, I usually try to cut the complaining conversation a bit short.

Here in Poland I have ZERO influence in this arena and do not like to use up my emotional energy on the topic.

So there you are! We’ve got a major election coming in less than a month! The Wikipedia article I linked to earlier tells you everything you need to know if you are interested in this particular topic!

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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