Quilted Twins

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My husband is traveling

My husband pretty much stayed home the whole time COVID was around and the limits were placed on people about traveling. Those tests were a real pain - and for us, expensive!

Anway, he flew out of Poland on Sunday afternoon to head to Central Asia where he will be for the next 10 days or so.

He got to go sight-seeing on Monday!!! So beautiful!

So, I always try to do some major things while he is gone.

We’ll see what I can do. I’m thinking of bringing a lot more of the pumpkins over - especially the small ones. I tend to go to the garden 2-3 x a day and may just take my little clippers and bring back 2 or 3 each time until I have them finished being brought over. Someday the weather is actually going to cool down and it will start to FEEL like fall!

So I’ve been trying to find a way to decorate our front area that will be inexpensive, but use those pumpkins to make it look fun!

I ordered a couple of bales of straw. I’d like to set up a display up front by the road - near our yellow sunflowers - the perennial ones - under the tree that is right there.

Maybe the straw can be the backdrop and I can put them around the base of the tree and on the bales.

Then I saw a cool photo where someone actually lined their yard with pumpkins. I had an idea that I could line our driveway area with them - that could look very interesting! Or maybe not. Maybe it would just be tacky. I’m inclined to try it if I have enough pumpkins. I’d like to think that delivery drivers would not run over them, right? Maybe I’d best stick with the display up by the tree and yellow flowers.

I’m also considering what big quilting goals I’m going to attempt to do. I’ve got a couple of quilt tops I want to finish AND some trimming goals.

Oh, I did cut up all those leftovers from my trimming up charity quilts!! I’m so proud of myself!

Actually the reason I put the petal to the metal was because I thought Ewa needed them for her mom. I cut the larger pieces into 6” squares for her mother to make me some new charity tops. I also added in a bunch of polka dots - black, pink, red, Caribbean, light blue —all the ones I have.

However, there is no real rush - I’m glad I’ve gotten them finished, but Ewa’s mom is not out of things to do currently, so she’ll come in the week or two to get them.

So maybe I’ll get some more 6” squares cut for her.

I did go ahead and cut the leftover pieces up because if I had a piece that was, say 9” wide - I went ahead and cut up a strip that was 6” wide (and subcut to 6” squares) but then I cut another 2.5” strip and threw it into my baskets of strips. The last leftover little strip went into the kindling bag/box.

My 2.5”, 2” and 1.5” strips baskets are pretty nice and full so far. You’ll see. Definitely the most full they’ve been for months now.

But I have some other things I’m trying to do and get done. I don’t know why I think I have more time when Mike isn’t here because it’s usually quite the opposite. I suppose it’s because I can turn off the light in the room when I get ready. :) LOL

So…if you are a praying person, we would appreciate your prayers for his safety. I’d like to think he is safe where he is, but in the culture of the country he is in - it might be iffy. Not sure. If I’m being vague about his trip, it’s because well, I am. :) I will get filled in on all the details when he gets back. He does have contact with me, though - in fact, he was able to send me the photo shown above from his sight-seeing. Wouldn’t that be a pretty sight with snow on the mountains? I’m sure they will get some.

And that’s it. I’m going to get seriously going on the binding. I made up over 20 bindings last year in a couple of days but haven’t pressed them yet but I will now. Shortly you should start seeing “10 charity quilts” blog posts. That is going to feel mighty fine!

And that’s it for today!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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